Rachmawati: The Other Side Of North Korea Is Accidentally Obscured By The West

By : Herry Barus And Aldo Bella Putra | Monday, June 18 2018 - 17:00 IWST

Rachmawati Soekarnoputri (Foto Ist)
Rachmawati Soekarnoputri (Foto Ist)

INDUSTRY.co.id - Jakarta - In Indonesia, the name Rachmawati Soekarnoputri cannot be separated from the Democratic People's Republic of Korea or North Korea.

Bung Karno's daughter is the one who re-warmed the relationship between the two countries that had been cold in the New Order era. In 2000 Rachma visited Pyongyang, the North Korean capital, and subsequently founded and led the Indonesia-North Korean Friendship Association.

In 2001, along with the 100th anniversary of Bung Karno's birthday, the Soekarno Education Foundation (YPS) founded and led by Rachma gave Star of Soekarno to a number of world leaders, including Kim Il Sung, the founder of North Korea.

Other world figures who received the Star of Soekarno in 2001 were Ho Chi Min of Vietnam, Jawaharlal Nehru (India), Sun Yat Sen (China Taipei), Norodom Sihanouk (Cambodia), George Washinton (United States), Josep Broz Tito ( Yugoslavia), Ahmed Ben Bella (Algeria), Charles De Gaulle (France), Yaser Arafat (Palestine), Nelson Mandela (South Africa), Saddam Hussein (Iraq), and Ki Hajar Dewantara (Indonesia).

In 2015, YPS again handed the Star of Soekarno. This time is only to four world leaders. They are Mahathir Mohamad (Malaysia), Hugo Chavez (Venezuela), Fidel Castro (Cuba), and Kim Jong Un (North Korea).

Of the four figures, only Mahathir Mohamad received the Star of Soekarno directly in the conferment ceremony at Hotel Borobudur Jakarta, September 2015. Three other figures represented by the Embassy of their respective countries in Indonesia.

After delivery in Jakarta, Rachma sent the PPIK Secretary General, Teguh Santosa, ushering Star of Soekarno to Kim Jong Un to Pyongyang. In Pyongyang, Star of Sukarno was accepted by North Korean President Kim Yong Nam in an official ceremony at the Palace of the Supreme People's Presidium of Korea.

"When we decided to hand over Star of Soekarno to Kim Jong Un many scorned us, I was blasphemed by many people, so I have lost my mind for submitting an award which used the name of Indonesia's independence proclaimer to a dictator like Kim Jong Un," Rachmawati said when visited by media in his residence on Jalan Jatipadang Raya, South Jakarta, Sunday (17/6).

According to Rachma, she did not back down because he believes such blasphemy only comes from people who do not really know what is happening on the Korean peninsula.

"Those who blaspheme only get unilateral information from Western media that is full of Western interests, without having experience interacting with North Korean public and North Korean leaders," Rachma continued.

Rachma walked on and did not think for a second to stop. She and PPIK continue to establish good relations with the Korean side up to now. Last April, with Jaya Suprana cultural expert Rachma invited young North Korean pianists to perform at a peace concert at Gedung Kesenian Jakarta (GKJ).

Connect Rachma, after a meeting between North Korea's top leader Kim Jong and South Korean President Moon Jaein and US President Donald Trump, the new public understands that there is another side of North Korea that has been deliberately obscured by the West.

"North Korea is not a nation and a barbaric country that wants to wage wars and spread fear." The country was built for peaceful purposes, but of course they have more freedom when their country is threatened by others they feel obliged to face the aggressor. Rachma said again.

When giving this explanation, Rachma was accompanied by PPIK Secretary General Teguh Santosa who reported the meeting of Kim Jong Un and Donald Trump in Singapore last week.

On that occasion, Teguh said, personally he salutes with Rachmawati intuition in view of global political developments.

"Mrs. Rachma is like having a sixth sense in view of global political developments and his political considerations, especially regarding North Korea, are proven true," Teguh said.

"Regarding the peace process on the Korean Peninsula, we consider, the United States should prove Donald Trump's statement that wants to eliminate the wargames and their policies that have been pressing North Korea," Teguh Santosa said.

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