This Comment From Film Director 'Guardians of the Galaxy' About Film 'Avengers: Infinity War'
By : Dina Astria And Aldi Firhand | Saturday, March 24 2018 - 21:10 IWST
Avengers: Infinity War - USA - Film from Marvel Studio's production house, Avengers: Infinity War will be airing soon. Fans of course are eagerly awaiting this film, one of which is Guardians of the Galaxy superhero film director James Gunn.
Gunn is known to be an executive producer of this superhero Marvel movie. He commented on the Avengers movie: Infinity War after seeing the peak sneak of the film.
Avengers: Infinity War is VERY INCREDIBLE. Wow !!! And that's all I can say right now, wrote James Gunn on his personal Twitter account.
Previously, Gunn has explained his involvement in Avengers film production: Infinity War.
I have worked hard with the Russo brothers (Joe Russo and Anthony Russo, who directed the Avengers movie: Infinity War), with Marvel people, with Kevin Feige (President of Marvel Studios), to ensure any character involved with me, on the film will be well taken care of and as funny as it should be, as well as honest as it should be, Gunn explained at the time.
Avengers superhero movie: Infinity War itself will premiere first in the United States on 23 April. Meanwhile, for scheduled airing in Indonesia on 25 April.
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