Investment in Manufacturing Industry Shows Upward Trend in Past Decade:…
Saturday, February 17 2024 - 11:58 IWST
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Thursday, May 28 2020 - 15:45 IWST
Veolia Water Technologies & Urban Utilities to Install Asia Pacific’s First Full-Scale Sidestream Mox Treatment Plant
Veolia Water Technologies and Urban Utilities are working to install Asia Pacific’s first full-scale sidestream ANITA Mox treatment plant this year. A first-of-its-kind in Australia, this…

Tuesday, September 25 2018 - 23:28 IWST
Government Receives Excise from Electric Cigarettes of Rp. 30 Billion
Director General of Customs and Excise of the Ministry of Finance Heru Pambudi said the state had received excise from vape (e-cigarettes) of Rp 30 billion.

Friday, September 21 2018 - 23:32 IWST
The Impact of Illegal Cigarette Distribution, the State Losses IDR 1 Trillion Per Year
Circulation of illegal cigarettes (without excise duty) in the country is still quite large. Based on the findings of a team from Gadjah Mada University (UGM) through a survey of illegal cigarette…

Thursday, September 13 2018 - 21:14 IWST
Batam Kadin Hopefully Increase Taxes and Levies Do Not Burden the Community
Batam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) assesses that taxes and fees are very important to achieve optimization of development plans. On the other hand, it is expected that the tax imposed…

Monday, September 03 2018 - 23:28 IWST
Import of Finished Goods and Consumption Includes Taxes of 10 Percent
the Government plans to set the highest import tax rate (PPh) of 10 percent on downstream products, such as finished goods and consumption.

Friday, August 31 2018 - 21:16 IWST
Economy Still Difficult, Cigarette Manufacturers Urge Excise Policy to be Evaluated
The Association of Indonesian Kretek Cigarette Manufacturers (GAPPRI) hopes that the Ministry of Finance will take every policy related to the tobacco industry to pay more attention to various…

Monday, August 27 2018 - 22:27 IWST
Regarding Import Restrictions, Minister of Finance: Must Be Careful So As Not To Disturb Industrial Sector Performance
the Government is evaluating 900 imported commodities to be subject to import income tax (PPh) to reduce the trade balance and current account deficit.

Monday, August 20 2018 - 21:32 IWST
OJK: The Financial Industry Will Be More Efficient With the Presence of Technology
Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of the Financial Services Authority (OJK) Wimboh Santoso said that currently innovations related to technology not only change the technology industry.…

Monday, August 20 2018 - 21:31 IWST
Kadin: Export Control Must Be Careful
Business people ask the government to be careful in controlling imports because of its broad impact. This step was carried out following the conversion of export proceeds in an effort to control…

Tuesday, August 07 2018 - 18:46 IWST
Kadin Supports Government Steps to Apply OSS System in Customs Affairs
the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) supports the implementation of Online Single Submission (OSS) in the customs field because it can facilitate businesses.

Monday, August 06 2018 - 21:33 IWST
Apindo: Logistics Entrepreneurs Need Time to Apply New Rules of Weigh Bridges
The Indonesian Employers' Association (Apindo) asks government agencies to integrate each other in cases of handling weigh stations to measure the burden of large vehicles carrying goods.

Friday, July 13 2018 - 21:33 IWST
Taiwan's New Policy Targets New Markets
An ASEAN Study Expert from National Chengchi University said that the New Southward Policy initiated by President Tsai Ingwen is a big step towards finding new markets for Taiwan in the region.

Monday, July 02 2018 - 22:40 IWST
BPS: Increase in Transportation Tariffs Trigger Inflation June
The Head of the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) Suhariyanto said the increase in public transportation tariffs during the Lebaran period triggered inflation in June 2018 by 0.59 percent.…

Monday, July 02 2018 - 22:21 IWST
Jokowi Land Certificate Program reached 32 Percent
The Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning (ATR) / National Land Agency (BPN) noted that it has distributed approximately 2.3 million pieces of land certificate by the end of June…

Tuesday, June 26 2018 - 23:03 IWST
Details of Three Transportation Policies to be Tested by Jabodetabek Transport Management Agency
The Ministry of Transportation through the Transportation Management Agency of Jabodetabek (BPTJ) has prepared a Transportation Policy Package to support the implementation of the 2018 Asian…
Monday, June 25 2018 - 21:47 IWST
Minister of Industry Encourages Environmentally Friendly Industry to Increase Production
Minister of Industry Airlangga Hartarto asserted, it is committed to encouraging the growth of sustainable and environmentally friendly industries, one of them through biodegradable plastic…

Sunday, June 24 2018 - 22:14 IWST
HR Investment is Important Role to Succeed Company
Minister of Manpower (Menaker) M. Hanif Dhakiri said human resource investment (HR) is the key to the success of the company's business.

Sunday, June 24 2018 - 22:05 IWST
Government Immediately Releases Online Integrated Network Permission System
President Joko Widodo said that the government will soon launch an integrated online licensing system to speed up and simplify the business license applicant.