Press Council Discourse Change Date of HPN Reap Protests of Journalists
By : Herry Barus And Aldo Bella Putra | Wednesday, April 18 2018 - 17:00 IWST
Dewan Pers (Fptp Dok - Palembang - Persatuan Wartawan Indonesia (PWI) of South Sumatera Province held a plenary session to discuss the wishes of the Press Council (DP) which will change the date of National Press Day (HPN), which is dated February 9, to September 23rd.
Ocktap Riady as Chairman of PWI Sumsel said based on the result of the daily board meeting that PWI Sumsel refused and protested hard against the DP which will change the date of February 9 as National Press Day to 23 September.
We PWI South Sumatera staff representing all members of PWI in South Sumatra refused and protested strongly against the wishes of the DP that will change the date of HPN from 9 February to 23 September, we also support the Central PWI to maintain the date of February 9 remains a National Press Day , explained Ocktap, when met with media crew, Tuesday (17/4/2018)
Still according to Ocktap, DP do not change history, but also PWI South Sumatera asked the government to keep the date of February 9 is National Press Day.
Ocktap added from the plenary session earlier it expressed attitude to the DP ie
1. PWI South Sumatra Reject HPN on 9 February to 23 September.
2. Support PWI The Center retains the date of February 9th is HPN.
3. Requesting the government to dismiss Yosep Stanley Adi Prasetyo from his position as Chairman of the Press Council for having made a commotion in the world of journalists.
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