Menkominfo Predict Facebook Cases Still Continues

By : Herry Barus And Aldi Firhand. A | Saturday, April 28 2018 - 23:01 IWST

Ilustrasi Facebook
Ilustrasi Facebook - Jakarta - Minister of Communication and Information (Menkominfo) Rudiantara estimates cases of abuse of Facebook data by third parties still continue to see no data leaked from 50 million to 87 million users.

"I am not yet convinced that this is the end of the case of 'compromise' this data with 80 million, with 1.1 million Indonesian people whose data there. I'm not sure yet," he said in Jakarta, Friday (27/4/2018)

To that end, it requested a Facebook audit report on a third party conducted to determine the use of data leakage.

Facebook too, said Rudiantara, has a debt because does not fulfill Information Commission request to close accounts that contrary to the law in 2016 and 2017.

"Facebook has quite a lot of Information Commission debt 2016 and 2017, there is still much we ask for 'take down' for violating the law, for example the nature of pitting the sheep," said Menkominfo.

Information Commission now gives time on Facebook to pay off the "debt", and assess the commitment of Facebook in running the request from Information Commission

Related letter back up on the letter warning Information Commission, he claimed not to know the contents because it was just returned from abroad.

"I do not know yet, the letter I have not received, we will see there is rationality for us too," he said.

Facebook in its replies, has restricted access and termination of third-party applications similar to CubeYOU and Aggregate IQ and is now investigating third-party applications.

In addition, the process of audit conducted Facebook is still running and will take time. the progress of the audit process will be informed to the Indonesian government.

In addition to the letter, rumored Facebook officials will come to Indonesia to explain further developments directly to the Menkominfo.

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