South Jakarta District Court Judge Sentenced to Death of Oman Abdurrahman
By : Herry Barus And Aldo Bella Putra | Friday, June 22 2018 - 18:30 IWST
Aman Abdurrahman.terdakwa kasus terorisme (Foto Dok - Jakarta - South Jakarta District Court Judge Akhmad Jaini sentenced the defendant to the terrorist case of Oman Rochman alias Abu Sulaiman bin Ade Sudarma alias Aman Abdurrahman at the South Jakarta District Court on Friday (22/6/2018)
"Judge alleging that the defendant Oman Rochman aka Abu Sulaiman bin Ade Sudarma aka Aman Abdurrahman has been proven legally and convincingly of committing a criminal act of terrorism, imposing a criminal to Oman Rochman alias Abu Sulaiman bin Ade Sudarma aka Aman Abdurrahman with capital punishment," Judge Akhmad Jaini in the courtroom in Prof. Sidang Utama Room. H. Oemar Seno Adji, S.H.
After reading the verdict, the panel of judges asked the defendant or his legal team related to the possibility of appeal.
"How to appeal or accept or think about it?" "No comment," the judge said.
Then Asrudin Hatjani, a member of Oman's legal team, said he still considered the death sentence.
"Think about it, Your Honor," said Asrudin Hatjani.
Oman was accused of involvement in the bombing of Thamrin, the bombing of the Church of Oikumene in Samarinda, the case of Kampung Melayu bombing, as well as the attack in Bima, NTB and the assault case of North Sumatra Police Headquarters. He is accused of playing the role of mastermind behind the terror.
Oman should be released from prison on August 17, 2017 after serving a nine-year sentence for his involvement in military training of Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) in Jalin mountains, Aceh Besar district in 2010.
However, on August 18, 2017, the police set Oman as a suspect for allegedly involved in the terror attack Bom Thamrin.
Oman is charged with Law Number 15 Year 2003 on Combating Terrorism Crime.
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