Officially Closed, KPPU Waits for Parliament Decision
By : Ridwan And Aldo Bella Putra | Wednesday, February 28 2018 - 23:00 IWST
Para komisioner KPPU. (Foto: IST) - Jakarta, the Business Competition Supervisory Commission or KPPU is officially closed in accordance with the Presidential Decree of the Republic of Indonesia. However, the KPPU's suspension is only temporary, until it will be re-assigned new members for the period 2018 until 2023.
Secretary General of KPPU, Charles Pandji Dewanto said this is the last day of the enactment of Presidential Decree of commissioner extension period 2012-2017.
"Actually the commissioner in his career is over 27 December 2017, and it is already known," he said in KPPU Office, Jakarta (27/2/2018).
However, he continued, until December 27, the name of the replacement commissioner does not yet exist. Thus, the extension decisions are up to a period of two months.
"So, after this we have not got a legal umbrella for the main activities of the new commissioner, for the next process is in the House of Representatives and the State Secretariat," said Charles.
He asserted, starting today KPPU no longer serves the trial process and the assessment of notification of mergers and acquisitions is suspended. In addition, KPPU's activities involving members of the commission directly have also been suspended and cannot engage in litigation activities.
"Unable to carry out litigation activities on the legal effort proposed by the business actors against KPPU's decision, both at the level of PN (District Court) and Supreme Court (MA) which requires a power of attorney to KPPU Chairman," he said.
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