Embodiment of Food Security of All Components of the Nation

By : Wiyanto Dan Aldo Bella Putra | Friday, July 13 2018 - 19:30 IWST

Agung Hendriadi Kepala Badan Ketahanan Pangan (BKP) Kementan (Foto Dok Industry.co.id)
Agung Hendriadi Kepala Badan Ketahanan Pangan (BKP) Kementan (Foto Dok Industry.co.id)

INDUSTRY.co.id - Jakarta - President and Founding Father us, Ir. Soekarno when the establishment of the Bogor Agricultural Institute once said that food is the life of a nation, if the people's food needs are not met then the catastrophe, therefore it needs a large-scale, radical, and revolutionary effort.

"Therefore, food security is part of national security that must be pursued together," said Head of Food Security Agency (BKP) of the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) Agung Hendriadi in front of the participants of the Regular Education Tool Force (PPRA) LVIII National Resilience Institute (Lemhanas) in Jakarta, Thursday (7/12/2018).

Agung also said that the potential of Indonesia's food resources is very rich, but has not been used very well.

"We have more than 100 types of carbohydrate food sources, 100 kinds of beans, 250 vegetables and 450 kinds of fruits We also have potential 10.3 million yard and 8-10 million hectares of marginal land but need to be managed optimally, "added Agung.

With the large amount of resources, according to Agung, the quality of food consumption should also increase, but the fact is not.

"Most of our stomach contents are still dominated by grains, fats, oils and sugar, while the consumption of animal, beans, vegetables and fruits is still lacking, this is reflected in the expectation pattern of the Food Pattern that has not reached the ideal," said Agung.

"Our PPH scores currently only reach 90.4.We must continue to increase, until the ideal value of 100, so that the quality of consumption rises and the quality of human resources increases," said Agung.

Indonesia, according to Agung, is one of the largest countries in the region with a large potential for dry land and wetlands.

"The recorded land of Indonesia is no less than 190 million hectares, of which 145 million hectares is dry land and the remainder (45 million hectares) are wetlands (swamps and non swamps)," said Agung.

"Of the 190 million there are 80 million hectares that are potentially developed, so we are actually still very rich to produce diverse food" continued Agung.

Agung gave examples of various efforts that have been done by the Ministry of Agriculture through various programs such as: agricultural machinery equipment, improving water infrastructure (long storage, Dam, shallow well and drilling well), development of swamp and peat land, including development of rice varieties for swamp land and dry land.

"I affirm that the task of realizing food security is not solely the responsibility of the agriculture ministry, it is the joint task of all components of the nation, including the TNI-Polri," said Agung.

The exposure of Head of BKP of Ministry of Agriculture which discussed the problem of Self-Reliance of Food Resource Management to Support National Food Security, followed by 100 participants from TNI / Polri, Ministry / Institution, NGO, and 6 friendly countries, namely representatives from Saudi Arabia, Fiji, Australia, Bangladesh, Laos and Pakistan,

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