Recognize Neuropathy and Risk Permanent Impact on the Body
By : Kormen Barus And Aldo Bella Putra | Wednesday, August 01 2018 - 17:30 IWST
Kenali Gejala Neuropati dan Risiko Dampak Permanen pada Tubuh (Kormen) - Jakarta - Neuropathy, disorders and nerve damage are at risk of permanent impact if not prevented and handled appropriately.
Beginning with symptoms of numbness and light tingling, decreased nerve function, such as loss of sensation of taste and motion, to permanent disability that affect the quality of life. Early symptoms of numbness and tingling are often underestimated or unnoticed, whereas mild symptoms are an early sign of nerve cell damage.
Dr. Manfaluthy Hakim, Sp.S (K), Chair of the Neurological Studies and Neurology Study Group at PERDOSSI Center who is also a neurological consultant from the Department of Neurology FKUI / RSCM, in the Fatal Neuropathy Impact Discussion and prevention, in Jakarta Tuesday (31/7/2018) , Neuropathy provides a variety of discomfort in daily activities. If left unchecked, neuropathy symptoms such as cramps, numbness and tingling may persist and lead to paralysis.
Nerves with damage of more than 50% cannot be repaired. One example of nerve damage is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS). CTS with severe conditions can cause pain with a frequency of attacks that are increasingly frequent and even settled. Pain can make the hand function is limited, so it can cause muscle paralysis and resulting in disability that affects the work of the patient. From the physical look, depending on the type of nerve affected, if the nerve of the affected hand and not getting good treatment then the palms and fingers become curved.
Furthermore, Dr. Manfaluthy said, Infection due to neuropathy experienced by many people who experience numbness or numbness or numbness so it does not feel when the wound. Injuries that occur are very likely to get infected. Infection is getting worse when experienced by diabetics. In diabetics, the prevalence rate of neuropathy increased to 50% or 1 of 2 patients. Decline in quality of life occurs when the intensity of the symptoms of neuropathy is more frequent.
Risk Neuropathy can happen to anyone. Even now the symptoms of neuropathy have been felt by those young people 26-30 years that are as much as 1 of 3 people. This is supported by lifestyle factors with continuous and repetitive daily activities, such as activities with gadgets (61.5%), motorcycles or cars (58.5%), sitting in the same position for long periods (53, 7%), and typed with computer (52.8%).
The low awareness of vitamin B consumption, only 30.2% who consume, contributes to the high risk of Neuropathy.
Neurobion invites the public to recognize and do prevention as early as possible with proper treatment in overcoming Neuropathy. Neurobion, a combination of neurotrophic vitamins, provides the best solution with a reliable, clinically tested original formula, proven to reduce neuropathy symptoms by up to 62.9%, safe for long-term consumption. As part of its commitment to give the best to the community, Neurobion now comes with a new, more modern look.
Holger Guenzel, Director of the Consumer Health division of PT MERCK Tbk, said the results of a survey showing symptoms of Neuropathy were beginning to be felt at a young age and the tendency to ignore neuropathy symptoms, MERCK, as a producer of Neurobion, seeks to encourage young people to be vigilant. Having previously MERCK together with Neurologists conducted a NENOIN (Non-intervention Neurotropic Vitamins) study, this time MERCK introduced a new Neurobion packaging with a new logo as a symbol of neurological health. With an original formula that is clinically proven to reduce symptoms of Neuropathy to 62.9%. This connected nerve symbol also matches the Neurobion integrated campaign that provides Total Solutions for neurological health. "MERCK is committed to realizing a better quality of life, a healthy and long life," he said.
Dr. Yoska - Medical Manager of Merck Consumer Health, said MERCK's NENOIN study was the first Clinical Study on peripheral health in Indonesia and was published in the Asian Journal of Medical Sciences 2018. Nenoin was conducted in 8 cities involving 411 patients with symptoms mild to moderate neuropathy from different etiologies. So it is very reliable and representative to the people of Indonesia.
This study also proves that the consumption of Neurotropic Vitamins not only prevent but also can reduce symptoms of nerve damage as well as tingling and numbness up to 62.9% in 3 months consumption period. The neurotrophic vitamins used in this study were Neurobion Forte.
Neuropathy can be prevented and treated before it becomes fatal. For prevention efforts, live a healthy lifestyle, exercise regularly, adequate rest, a balanced diet and consumption of vitamin neurotropic 1 x daily from an early on regular basis or as directed by a doctor. Neurotrophic vitamins are composed of vitamins B1, B6, and B12 that work to improve the metabolic disorders of nerve cells, and provide the needed intake so that the nerves can work properly.
For best results, Neurobion Forte can be consumed by those with mild to severe neuropathy symptoms. Furthermore, to maintain and prevent symptoms of Neuropathy reappear, can be continued with white neurobion. (Kormen)
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