IPC Soon Being SEZ Support Economic Area of Bengkulu
By : Ridwan And Aldi Firhand. A | Sunday, April 15 2018 - 22:28 IWST
Airlangga Hartarto (dok INDUSTRY.co.id)
INDUSTRY.co.id - Jakarta- The Minister of Industry of Airlangga Hartarto developed PT Pelindo's Port Corporation (IPC) Bengkulu into a Special Economic Zone (KEK) to support the economy in the region.
"This port will be a special economic area, it is expected that this development can support the economy in Bengkulu," Airlangga said through a press release received in Jakarta on Sunday (15/4/2018)
Airlangga said as the development of a special economic zone, IPC Bengkulu will become the center for animal quarantine into Indonesia, especially cattle from Australia and India.
There will also be built railway, highway, and special terminal of palm oil which is a commodity of Bengkulu.
With the terminal, bengkulu palm oil commodity can be directly sent through the port so it has added value.
According to Airlangga, the development of IPC Bengkulu as a special economic area does not experience any obstacles, including land acquisition. The governor of Bengkulu, he said, has also stated his commitment and readiness.
"The plan is before May 2018, President Joko Widodo will directly review this port," he said.
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