Rice Harvest in Dry Land
By : Herry Barus And Aldo Bella Putra | Wednesday, January 10 2018 - 21:30 IWST
Panen Padi di Lahan Kering (Foto Dok Industry.co.id)
INDUSTRY.co.id - Yogyakarta - Located in Melikan Village, Rongkop District, Gunungkidul Regency. It Has been harvested jointly by Vice Regent Gunungkidul, Head of Human Resources Agency Kementan, Head of BPPSDMP, Ka.BPTP Yogyakarta, Aster Korem Pamungkas, Dandim 0730 Gunungkidul, Kadistan Guningkidul Food in rainfed land.
Head of HR Agency Momon Rusmono said that the harvest safari by the Ministry of Agriculture is intended to ensure and inform the community that during the famine of November - January 2018 as now in various regions of Indonesia there is still enough food crops and stocks, so there is no need to import rice. It is accepted by Melikan Village farmers who hope the government does not import rice that will harm farmers.
The local rice productivity of Segreng harvested in Melikan village, Rongkop District is 5.12 tons / ha of dry grain. Farmland in this village area of 252 ha and ready for harvest of 20 ha.
Ka.BPTP Balitbangtan Kementan Yogyakarta Joko Pramono, said that Kementan also encourage the development of specific local superior varieties within the framework of preservation of Genetic Resources. The local superior varieties of Segreng have an early age of maturity, dry and pest resistant and the price is higher than white rice. To increase the productivity of BPTP Yogyakarta has introduced Inpari 24 (red rice) varieties that the potential yield can reach 6-7 tons / ha.
Vice Regent Gunungkidul Immawan Wahyudi stated that Gunungkidul in the previous year surplus rice of 105,000 tons and believes this year is also a surplus; farmers especially in rain fed land have a habit of storing crops for daily consumption until the next harvest season, so that household food security farmers Gunungkidul pretty good.
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