New Tholos Foundation White Paper Shows Safer Nicotine Alternatives…
Sunday, November 26 2023 - 11:13 IWST
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Tuesday, September 06 2022 - 19:10 IWST
Alternative Tobacco Products, Strategy to Reduce Smoking Prevalence
The high smoking prevalence has been closely associated with increased smoking-related diseases. Alternative tobacco products are predicted to be one of the solutions that can help reduce smoking…

Saturday, September 22 2018 - 20:30 IWST
Take Good Care of Agricultural Production, The Performance of the Minister of Agriculture Amran Asked not to be disturbed
Jakarta - Minister of Agriculture (Minister of Agriculture) Amran Sulaiman is considered to have demonstrated maximum work in maintaining the stock of food availability. Production in the agricultural…

Friday, August 10 2018 - 04:30 IWST
Cigarette Factory with Initial Investment of IDR 250 Billion Standing in Tanjung Pinang
Tanjungpinang - Cigarette entrepreneur, Arifin, who is also the President Commissioner of PT Megatama Batu Karang Indonesia to build the first cigarette factory in Tanjungpinang City, the capital…

Saturday, June 23 2018 - 19:30 IWST
Fighting the Food Cartel with the Spirit of Farming Day
Jakarta - Hari Krida Pertanian 2018 which falls every June 21 to become the right momentum for the Ministry of Agriculture to seriously combat the practice of the cartel that became a scourge…

Tuesday, June 12 2018 - 22:30 IWST
Holiday Lebaran, Kementan Monitors Harvest and Sergap in Central Java and East Java
Ngawi, - Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) in the era of Amran Sulaiman proves its commitment in maintaining national food production remains sufficient during Idul Fitri holidays. This is…

Saturday, June 09 2018 - 23:30 IWST
Russia - Indonesia Strengthens Agricultural Cooperation
Jakarta - Minister of Agriculture Andi Amran Sulaiman received a working visit of the Russian Ambassador to Indonesia, Mrs. L. Yudmila.G.Vorobiva, Friday (8/6/2018). The meeting discussed the…

Thursday, May 31 2018 - 22:00 IWST
Minister of Agriculture Amran Clean and Fight Out Corruptor
Director of Vegetables and Medicinal Plants, Directorate General of Horticulture, Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan), Prihasto, Setyarto said in the midst of the commitment to realize clean…
Saturday, May 19 2018 - 23:30 IWST
NTB Anticipates Impact of Tobacco Import Reduction
The Nusa Tenggarat Barat Provincial Government is targeting 26,000 hectares of tobacco plantation by 2018, up from 16,000 ha in the previous year, in anticipation of rising demand due to the…

Friday, February 09 2018 - 20:00 IWST
Tobacco Bill Needs to Reach Tobacco Farmers Empowerment Issues
Surabaya - Special Committee (Pansus) Tobacco Bill held a meeting with the cigarette industry in Surabaya, East Java, Thursday (8/2/2018).

Friday, December 08 2017 - 21:00 IWST
Planting Tobacco Outside the Season, Disperta Bojonegoro: That Farmers' Speculation
Bojonegoro - Dinas Pertanian (Disperta) Bojonegoro District is not responsible for tobacco harvest failure for farmers who speculate planting outside the designated seasons.

Wednesday, November 22 2017 - 21:00 IWST
Health Minister Nila Encourages Tobacco Impact Research
Jakarta - Health Minister Nila F Moeloek encourages Indonesian researchers to do more research on the impact of tobacco on health and health costs.
Thursday, November 09 2017 - 19:30 IWST
Decrease in Cigarette Production Threatens Tobacco Farmers
Semarang - Indonesian Tobacco Farmers Association (APTI) is worried that cigarette production will continue to decrease the uptake of tobacco farmers.
Thursday, October 26 2017 - 20:30 IWST
Farmers do not Get Impact from Increasing in Tobacco Excise
Jakarta - Chief Executive of the Indonesian Consumers Foundation (YLKI) Tulus Abadi said the farmers will not be affected by the increase in tobacco taxes, let alone the government plans to…

Sunday, October 08 2017 - 21:00 IWST
Turn of Japan Origin Industry Interested Kretek Market Homeland
When health authorities in the country feel concerned about the increasing number of smokers, some foreign investors in the tobacco industry see it as an opportunity to earn a profit. After…

Tuesday, September 12 2017 - 19:30 IWST
President Jokowi Prepares Steps to Overcome Drought
Jakarta - President Jokowi is preparing a number of steps to overcome the drought that occurred in some parts of Indonesia.

Sunday, September 03 2017 - 18:05 IWST
Price of Grade C Tobacco in Temanggung Translucent Rp75.000 per Kilogram
C-grade dried tobacco shoots in Temanggung Regency, Central Java (Central Java) during this year's harvest is purchased at Rp75.000 per kilogram by the manufacturer.

Sunday, August 27 2017 - 15:01 IWST
Harvest season, Disperindag Pamekasan Forming Tobacco Trade Team
Pamekasan - To oversee the process of tobacco sale in harvest season 2017, Department of Industry and Trade (Disperindag) Pamekasan formed a tobacco trading team.

Wednesday, August 23 2017 - 18:05 IWST
Ministry of Industry Expects Increase in Cigarette Excise Not Exceed Inflation
Jakarta- The government plans to raise the tobacco excise tariff (CHT) starting September 2017. This increase is determined by taking into account the labor factors of each industry level, ranging…