ISPO to Leverage Palm Oil Competitiveness Level?
Thursday, December 14 2023 - 19:29 IWST
Rebranding Indonesian Palm Oil: A Lesson of Starbucks Traceability…
Ministry of Trade Holds 12th Gambir Trade Talk 'Indonesia's…
Wilmar International and LDC Visit Orangutan Conservation…
Sawit Sumbermas Sarana Prioritizes Commitment to Protect…
Sawit Sumbermas Sarana Preparing RSPO Virtual Tour for…
All News

Thursday, October 29 2020 - 08:35 IWST
Kao Corporation, Apical & Asian Agri Join Hands to Empower Smallholders with SMILE Program
SMILE or the SMallholder Inclusion for better Livelihood & Empowerment program to help independent oil palm smallholders in Indonesia improve their yields, acquire international certification,…

Friday, August 21 2020 - 20:05 IWST
Shared Responsibility Boosts Sustainable Palm Oil Absorption In Indonesia
The Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) has been upholding the shared responsibility concept after its adoption in the 15th General Assembly in 2018.

Friday, June 19 2020 - 13:40 IWST
RSPO Independent Smallholders Ride The Rough Patch of Covid-19
While the spread of COVID-19 has threatened the income of independent oil palm smallholder farmers in Indonesia due to low fresh fruit bunch (FFB) prices, Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil…

Friday, September 28 2018 - 17:00 IWST
GAPKI: Thank you Indonesian Press
Solo - General Chair of GAPKI (Indonesian Palm Oil Entrepreneurs Association) Joko Supriyono expressed his gratitude to the ranks of the press throughout Indonesia. Positive press support will…

Thursday, September 20 2018 - 17:30 IWST
Partnership Increases Productivity of Palm Farmers
Pekanbaru- Productivity of oil palm plantations managed by independent smallholders is still relatively low. That is around 16-18 tons of fresh fruit bunches (FFB) per hectare per year. On average,…

Thursday, September 20 2018 - 17:00 IWST
Malaysia's CPO Price Crashed to Position RM2.195 per Ton
Jakarta - The decline in the price of contracts for the sale of Malaysian crude palm oil (CPO) for delivery in December 2018 on the Malaysia Derivatives Exchange touched RM2,195 per ton on Tuesday…

Wednesday, September 12 2018 - 18:00 IWST
Tunas Baru Lampung Pockets Biodiesel Booking Contracts for 110,000 Tons of End of Year
Jakarta - The B20 usage expansion program proclaimed by the government has been a blessing for the issuer of oil palm plantations, PT Tunas Baru Lampung Tbk (TBLA), which received a contract…

Monday, September 10 2018 - 20:30 IWST
Rejuvenation of the People's Palm Oil was encouraged to Maintain Productivity, Generate Foreign Exchange and Farmer Income
Jambi Ministry of Agriculture conducts Palm Oil Rejuvenation in Ujung Tanjung Village, Sungai Bahar District, Muaro Jambi Regency, Jambi Province on Monday (10/09).

Saturday, August 25 2018 - 01:00 IWST
Palm Industry Increases State Economy
Belitung - General Chair of the Indonesian Palm Oil Entrepreneurs Association (Gapki) Joko Supriono said, the palm oil industry business was able to boost the country's economy, because until…

Friday, August 24 2018 - 00:00 IWST
Kotawaringin Palm Farmers Wait for President Jokowi's presence
Palangka Raya - President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo is planned to attend West Kotawaringin Regency, Central Kalimantan, to conduct the initial planting of oil palm trees in the…

Wednesday, August 22 2018 - 23:00 IWST
Ministry of Industry Increases CPO Industry Downstreaming
Jakarta - The Ministry of Industry continues to spur downstreaming in the palm oil industry sector (crude palm oil / CPO) in order to increase high added value so as to contribute to national…

Friday, August 10 2018 - 05:30 IWST
Export Duty Abolition Plans Encourage Malaysia CPO Price Increase
Jakarta - Malaysia's crude palm oil (CPO) price opened at RM2,249 per ton on Thursday (09/08/2018), down 0.4% compared to Wednesday's closing (08/08/2018) amounting to RM2.258.

Monday, August 06 2018 - 20:00 IWST
Increased Threat of US-China Trade War Increases Malaysian CPO Prices
Jakarta - Malaysia's price of crude palm oil (CPO) in Monday trading (08/06/2018) opened at RM2,209 per ton, 0.59% higher than the closing at the end of last week at RM2,196 per tons.

Friday, July 27 2018 - 19:00 IWST
BPDKS Injects Rp7.5 Trillion Funds for Five Palm Companies
Jakarta, five large-scale palm oil companies receive subsidies from the BPTP Agency (Dana Pengelola Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit) with a total of Rp7.5 trillion during January-September 2017.

Wednesday, July 25 2018 - 02:30 IWST
Excess Supply in Market, Malaysian CPO Price Still Continues Suppressed
Jakarta - Malaysian crude palm oil (CPO) prices are still depressed due to excess supply in the market. Malaysia's palm oil price on Monday (23/07/2018) closed down to position RM2.169 per ton.…

Thursday, July 19 2018 - 23:59 IWST
Malaysian CPO Price Stable at RM2.200 per Ton
Jakarta - The price of crude palm oil (CPO) opened at the level of RM2.203 per tonne on Thursday (19/07/2018). In the first session of trading today, Malaysia's highest price of Malaysian palm…

Friday, July 06 2018 - 18:30 IWST
Malaysian CPO Price Still Affected by Negative Sentiment of US-China Trade War
Jakarta - The price of crude palm oil (crude palm oil / CPO) Malaysia on Friday trading (06/07/2018) is estimated to move in the range of RM2.247-2.345 per ton. The price of CPO on Wednesday…

Monday, July 02 2018 - 23:00 IWST
Sawit Sumbermas Sarana Targets 15 Percent Minimum Net Profit This Year
Jakarta - This year, PT Sawit Sumbermas Sarana Tbk (SSMS) targets net profit growth of at least 15%, lower than last year's profit growth.