Indonesia Attracts Thousands of Norwegian Visitors at Travel Expo…
Wednesday, January 17 2024 - 21:07 IWST
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Thursday, April 22 2021 - 21:35 IWST
Gov’t Continues to Support MSMEs, Creative Economy to Level Up
The Government has announced it continues to provide considerable support to push MSMEs to level up from local merchants to global suppliers.

Sunday, October 07 2018 - 20:59 IWST
INSA Expects Government to Maintain Cabotage Principle
The Association of National Commercial Shipping Entrepreneurs (INSA) hopes the government maintains the cabotage principle because it has a role in encouraging the national shipping industry…

Sunday, October 07 2018 - 20:45 IWST
Kadin Chairman Encourages the Creation of a More Creative Young Entrepreneur
the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) is committed to encouraging the creation of new entrepreneurs to help drive the national economy and create a positive business climate…

Wednesday, August 08 2018 - 23:32 IWST
Kadin Welcomes Alternative Funding for Panda Bond
the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) welcomed the alternative financing of Panda Bond for the business environment, both private corporations and state-owned enterprises (BUMN).

Sunday, July 22 2018 - 21:53 IWST
This Year, Super Indo Targets Retail Business Grows Two Digits
PT Lion Super Indo, the national supermarket chains set the growth of its double-digit retail business in 2018.

Sunday, July 22 2018 - 20:45 IWST
Super Indo Offers Franchise Opportunities
The national supermarket chain Superlndo, which is widely known, trusted and has a strong brand in the community, is offering a franchise opportunity for a compact supermarket called Super Indo…

Friday, July 13 2018 - 21:28 IWST
82 Shopping Center Supports Festival Jakarta Great Sale 2018
Provincial Government (Pemprov) of DKI Jakarta supports the Jakarta Great Sale (FJGS) Festival 2018 which runs from August 12 until September 4, 2018.

Monday, July 02 2018 - 22:16 IWST
Government Supports the Revitalization of the People's Market in Bali
The Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs realize that physical development does not provide guarantee and certainty in keeping the people's market in the long run, so that appropriate breakthroughs…

Thursday, June 28 2018 - 22:14 IWST
Chamber of Commerce: There is a Raise SME Class Strategy
Vice Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) of DKI Jakarta Sarman Simanjorang assessed that the final tariff of final income tax for micro, small and medium enterprises needs…

Thursday, June 28 2018 - 22:12 IWST
Hundreds of Buyers Attend Mega Industries 2018 Exhibition
The government is boosting infrastructure development in the country, both in the capital and in the regions. For those of you who are planning to build high rise buildings for industrial needs

Tuesday, June 26 2018 - 23:00 IWST
Hundreds of franchises will gather at the IFRA 2018 event
International franchise exhibition or International Franchise, License & Business Concept Expo & Conference 2018 (IFRA) will be held again on 20 - 22 July 2018 at Jakarta Convention Center.…

Friday, June 22 2018 - 22:56 IWST
Today, President Jokowi Inaugurates Gempol Pasuruan Toll Road
President Joko Widodo accompanied by First Lady Iriana Joko Widodo departed to East Java Province (Jatim) for a working visit. During his visit, Jokowi inaugurated the Gempol Pasuruan Section…

Wednesday, June 20 2018 - 21:37 IWST
Ministry of SOEs Estimate Net Profit of State-Owned Enterprises Reaches Rp 7 Trillion in First Semester 2018
Deputy for Construction and Transportation Facilities and Equipment (KSPP) Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises Ahmad Bambang estimates that the net profit of state-owned enterprises in the first…

Wednesday, June 06 2018 - 21:43 IWST
BI Rate Will Still Increase, Kadin Asks Entrepreneurs to Anticipate
Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) Indonesia estimates that the interest rate of Bank Indonesia (BI) will still rise.

Tuesday, June 05 2018 - 21:29 IWST
Government Current Claims Entrepreneurial Growth Indonesia Reaches 7 Percent
Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs AAGN Puspayoga revealed that the development program of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), as well as Beginner Entrepreneurship (WP) which was launched…

Tuesday, May 29 2018 - 19:14 IWST
Prone to Fraud, OJK Asks People to Carefully Choose a Pawn Company
Every day before Eid celebration, people usually travel to pawn companies. The Financial Services Authority (OJK) also expects people to be more careful in choosing a pawnshop.

Thursday, May 24 2018 - 22:26 IWST
Jakarta Fair Transactions Expected to Reach Rp 7 Trillion
Vice Governor of DKI Jakarta Sandiaga Salahudin Uno expects the value of event transactions Jakarta Fair 2018 can reach Rp 7 trillion.

Thursday, May 17 2018 - 22:36 IWST
Enter the Japanese and European Markets, National Batik Export Value Soar Up to USD 58.46 Million
Indonesian batik industry is considered to have mastered the world market so as to be a driver for the national economy.