President Jokowi Inaugurates Kali Dendeng Water Supply System
Thursday, December 07 2023 - 20:11 IWST
Black & Veatch Set Investment of a US$500M for Build Plants…
Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry taps AC Ventures’…
Clean Earth Technologies’ New Class Of Polymers Invented…
Powering the Circular Economy: Green Li-ion Creates World’s…
Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Introduces Hydrocarbon…
All News

Monday, July 30 2018 - 16:30 IWST
PGN Pushes Millenials to Master Renewable Energy Technology
Jakarta - PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk (PGN) encourages millennial generation to master the development of technology, especially renewable energy.

Saturday, July 21 2018 - 22:30 IWST
GAPKI Lobby Pertamina To Absorb Palm Oil
Surabaya - The Indonesian Palm Oil Entrepreneurs Association (Gapki) is trying to lobby PT Pertamina through the government to absorb the palm oil harvest which is quite high in 2018, but is…

Wednesday, July 11 2018 - 19:00 IWST
PLN Affirms Commitment to Use Renewable Energy
Jakarta - PLN affirms its commitment to be able to use and expand the application of new and renewable energy in the electricity sector used to illuminate the people in the country.

Wednesday, July 04 2018 - 21:00 IWST
Greenpeace Urges Government Continues to Develop Renewable Energy
Jakarta - Greenpeace wants the government to continue to develop renewable energy so welcomed the inauguration of Sidrap Bayu Power Plant (PLTB) in South Sulawesi which has been done some time…

Monday, July 02 2018 - 22:00 IWST
President Jokowi Inaugurated PLTB Sidrap South Sulawesi
Jakarta - President Joko Widodo and Mrs. Iriana Joko Widodo leave for South Sulawesi Province to conduct a working visit, one of which is to inaugurate the Bayu Power Plant (PLTB) in Sidenreng…

Monday, May 28 2018 - 18:00 IWST
For the First Time, Pertamina Dockyard Sorong Builds Two Mooring Boat Units
Sorong - This year, for the first time since 1975, Pertamina Dockyard Sorong has built two mooring boats with a capacity of 250 HP.

Thursday, April 19 2018 - 14:30 IWST
Facing Technology Flow, Minister Jonan Exposes Leadership Stance in Regional Development Coordination DIY
Yogyakarta - Facing the rapid flow of technology, Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Ignasius Jonan explained the leadership strategy to apply leaders in various regions to be able…

Friday, April 13 2018 - 16:00 IWST
Visit Madura, Minister Jonan Tells Society to Keep Safe Drilling Well
Sampang - The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) continues to make it easier for public access to clean water, by providing groundwater drill wells, which are conducted in areas…

Monday, April 09 2018 - 16:30 IWST
Harnessing the Potential of Natural Resources, Arcandra: Clarifying and Improving the Status of the Key Data
Pekanbaru - Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar said the Government is continuing to exploit the potential of natural resources, especially renewable energy…

Saturday, April 07 2018 - 21:30 IWST
Minister Jonan Encourages the Development of Communal Biogas Based on Potential of Renewable Energy
Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Ignasius Jonan inaugurated the installation of a communal scale biogas at Pondok Pesantren Terpadu Al-Yasini in Areng-areng Village, Wonorejo Sub-district,…

Monday, April 02 2018 - 11:00 IWST
ETIHAD AIRWAYS Eliminates 195,000 Tonnes of Carbon Emissions In 2017
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates Etihad Airways successfully eliminated around 195,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions in 2017, thanks to a wide range of fuel-saving initiatives across its…

Sunday, April 01 2018 - 14:30 IWST
Pushing EBT to be Solution for Future Energy Scarcity
Jakarta, In general, starting from the condition of the fossil energy resources through the current exploitation and production, the government through Government Regulation No. 79 of 2014 on…

Saturday, March 31 2018 - 17:30 IWST
Arcandra: Cnc Mine Company Must Be Revoked Its IUP, No Excuse
Sawahlunto - Vice Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar ensures that mining companies that are still not yet Clear and Clean (CnC) will soon stop operating because their…

Wednesday, March 28 2018 - 17:00 IWST
Prioritize EBT Mix, RUED Targeted To be Completed June 2018
Jakarta - New Renewable Energy Development (EBT) in each region continues to be the main emphasis in the preparation of the Provincial General Energy Plan (RUED) of the Province which was completed…

Wednesday, March 21 2018 - 19:00 IWST
Until 2017, Geological Agency of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Builds 1,782 Drilling Wells in 312 Regencies
Bandung - In order to help people get clean water in difficult areas of water, the Geological Agency of the Ministry of ESDM through the Center for Groundwater and Environmental Geology (PATGTL)…

Thursday, March 01 2018 - 18:00 IWST
A-Wing Group of Japan and PT Bintang Angkasa Berjaya Sign Renewable Energy Investment Cooperation
Jakarta - A total of 2,500 villages in Papua are immediately illuminated through biomass energy, solar energy, water energy, and wind. This plan becomes part of the memorandum of understanding…

Tuesday, February 20 2018 - 18:00 IWST
De Nora doubles processing capacity for Taiyo Oil refinery with new Gulftronic Electrostatic Separator System
JAPAN, 20 February 2018: De Nora Permelec Ltd., De Noras subsidiary in Japan, has been commissioned to double the processing capacity of major oil refinery Taiyo Oil in Shikoku, Japan, in an…

Sunday, February 18 2018 - 16:00 IWST
PT Bekasi Power Continues to Negotiate With PLN That PLTGU Can Operate Normally
Jakarta, PT Bekasi Power, a subsidiary of PT Kawasan Industri Jababeka Tbk (KIJA) continues its efforts to negotiate with PT PLN (Persero) for the Steam Power Plant (PLTGU) operated to return…