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Tersangka Korupsi (Foto Dok

Friday, July 27 2018 - 17:00 IWST

Zainudin Hasan Bupati Lamsel - PAN Politician Taken to Jakarta

Bandarlampung- South Lampung Regent H Zainudin Hasan is suspected in the case of Operation Capture by the Corruption Eradication Commission worth Rp700 million taken to Jakarta from Lampung…

Fuad Amin (Foto dok

Sunday, July 22 2018 - 00:00 IWST

KPK Expects Several Rooms in Sukamiskin Prison

Bandung - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) ransacked a room that allegedly served as the Chief of Correctional Institution (Kalapas) Sukamiskin Wahid Husen on Saturday morning (21/7/2018)

Inneke Koesherawati, artis (Foto Dok

Saturday, July 21 2018 - 22:00 IWST

KPK Immediately Explains Inneke Koesherawati's Involvement During OTT in Sukamiskin Prison

Jakarta - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) helped secure artist Inneke Koesherawati, wife of convicted corruption case Fahmi Darmawansyah in hand catch operation (OTT) activity at…

Fuad Amin (Foto dok

Saturday, July 21 2018 - 21:30 IWST

Room Chamber Fuad Amin and Wawan in Sukamiskin Prison Sealed KPK

Jakarta - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) is concerned that Sukamiskin Prison Head, Bandung, Wahid Husein netted a hand-catch operation (OTT) because Kalapas is in fact a law enforcement…

Densus 88 (Foto Dok

Sunday, July 15 2018 - 20:30 IWST

Armed Police Long Barrel Keep Indramayu Police

Indramayu - Mapolres Indramayu, West Java, is heavily guarded by long barreled armed police and using bulletproof vests, following a terrorist attack with a pot bomb.

Penyidik KPK (Foto IST)

Sunday, July 15 2018 - 20:00 IWST

KPK Expects Home President Director of PT PLN

Jakarta - Members of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) ransacked the house of President Director of State Electricity Company (PLN) Sofyan Basir in Central Jakarta on Sunday (15/7/2018)…

Densus 88 (Foto Dok

Wednesday, June 20 2018 - 18:30 IWST

Densus 88 Catch Four Unexpected Terrorists Jabar-Central Java

Jakarta - Head of Public Information Section (Kabagpenum) Police Kombes Pol Syahar Diantono said four suspected terrorists who arrested Densus 88 police anti-terrorism team in West Java and…

Kapolri Jendral Pol Tito Karnavian (Foto Dok

Friday, June 15 2018 - 20:30 IWST

Police Successfully Arrest 110 Suspected Persons Related Terrorism

Bogor - National Police Chief Gen. Tito Karnavian said it had captured a total of 110 suspected terrorism-related people.

KPK menyegel ruang kerja TSK Korupsi (Foto

Thursday, June 07 2018 - 16:30 IWST

KPK Segel Ruang Kerja Walikota Blitar

Blitar - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) team sealed Blitar Samanhudi Anwar's mayor's office in Blitar City Hall, East Java, on Thursday (7/6/2018) allegedly related to the hand-catch…

Presiden Jokowi (Foto Setkab)

Wednesday, June 06 2018 - 21:35 IWST

President Jokowi Reminds Ulama Indonesia Most Muslim Countries

Karawang - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) reminded the clerics that Indonesia is the most Muslim country known for its unity and harmony.

Densus 88 (Foto Dok

Monday, June 04 2018 - 18:30 IWST

Densus 88 Search for suspected terrorists in Karanganyar

Karanganyar- Detachment 88 Antiterror Police searched the home of suspected terrorists, Budi Warsito in Desa Jati rainbow, Karanganyar, Central Java, on Monday (04/06/2018)

Aman Abdurrahman.terdakwa kasus terorisme (Foto Dok

Friday, May 25 2018 - 21:00 IWST

Aman Abdurahman Not Afraid to Facing Judge Verdict

Jakarta - Defendant Oman Rochman aka Abu Sulaiman bin Ade Sudarma alias Aman Abdurahman insists he is not afraid to face the verdict of the South Jakarta District Court judge related to a spate…

Koopssusgab, Komando operasi khusus gabungan (Foto Dok

Saturday, May 19 2018 - 21:30 IWST

Counter-Terrorism Do not Overlap

Jakarta - The Vice Chairman of the People's Consultative Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia, Hidayat Nur Wahid wants the counter-terrorism in the country not to overlap, causing ineffectiveness…

Densus 88 (Foto Dok

Saturday, May 19 2018 - 21:00 IWST

Densus 88 Catch Unexpected Terrorists in Rokan Hilir Riau

Pekanbaru- 88 Special Detachment Anti-Terror arrests an alleged terrorist with initials HS aka Abu Yusuf in Pujud, Rokan Hilir District, Riau Province.

Aman Abdurrahman.terdakwa kasus terorisme (Foto Dok

Friday, May 18 2018 - 15:30 IWST

Prosecutor Demands Abdurrahman's Death Penalty. Defendant Bomb Thamrin

Jakarta - The Public Prosecutor (Prosecutor) demands the death sentence of the accused alleged actor of Thamrin bomb, Oman Rochman aka Aman Abdurrahman.

Kabid Humas Polda Jatim Kombes Pol Frans Barung Mangera (Foto Dok

Thursday, May 17 2018 - 18:00 IWST

Police: No One Has Acknowledged the Terrorist Body

Surabaya- East Java Regional Police stated that until Wednesday (05/16/2018) no family has acknowledged the bodies of the 13 perpetrators of terror acts in Surabaya and Sidoarjo.

Gubernur NTB Tuan Guru Bajang (TGB) Zainul Majdi (Foto Anto)

Monday, May 14 2018 - 01:00 IWST

TGB: The Bombing Is an Evil Crime by Religion

West Nusa Tenggara Governor Muhammad Zainul Majdi condemned the terrorist bombings in three churches in Surabaya resulting in 11 deaths and dozens injured on Sunday (13/05/2018)

President Jokowi Visits GKI Surabaya, Checks Location of Explosion (Foto Detik)

Sunday, May 13 2018 - 21:32 IWST

President Jokowi Visits Three Bomb Victims of Surabaya Church

President Joko Widodo arrived in Surabaya to visit victims of bomb blast at three churches in Surabaya on Sunday (13/05/2018)
