Aman Abdurahman Not Afraid to Facing Judge Verdict

By : Herry Barus And Aldo Bella Putra | Friday, May 25 2018 - 21:00 IWST

Aman Abdurrahman.terdakwa kasus terorisme (Foto Dok
Aman Abdurrahman.terdakwa kasus terorisme (Foto Dok - Jakarta - Defendant Oman Rochman aka Abu Sulaiman bin Ade Sudarma alias Aman Abdurahman insists he is not afraid to face the verdict of the South Jakarta District Court judge related to a spate of allegations of terrorism cases.

"Whatever number of years the judge will be judged later, I face cold, please you commit to convict me Want a lifetime verdict, please, or want to execute die, please also do not hesitate or hesitate. Fear with your unjust punishment in my heart I just rely on the Lord of the World and the Hereafter, "said Oman in the courtroom of South Jakarta District Court, Friday (05/25/2018).

It did not accept the allegations of involvement in five acts of terror in Indonesia.

According to him, he is only a victim of the Indonesian government who are unjust.

Oman denied involvement in Thamrin's suicide bombing case.

He also said that his side did not know about the four terror cases that were also alleged to him, namely the bombing of the Church of Oikumene in Samarinda, the case of Kampung Melayu bombing, the assault case in Bima and Medan.

"Everything I just learned about the news during this trial," said Oman.

He reasoned during the occurrence of the case in November 2016 s.d. September 2017, Oman is in prison of White Sands, Nusakambangan.

"I was isolated in White Pasir LP since February 2016 until I was taken Densus 88 on 12 August 2017. In that isolation I did not know the news at all and could not meet or communicate with anyone except the prison wardens," he said.

The rebuttal of Oman's involvement in a number of suicide bombings was conveyed in detail by his legal advisory team via pledoi.

The Oman legal advisory team said that the Oman defendant only advised his followers to migrate to Syria and to do amaliah in Syria, not in Indonesia. "The defendant only explained to the ikhwans who came to the Yellow Flower Base, who had already committed to Albaghdadi, for jihad to Syria, and if they could not jihad (to Syria), they were obliged to pray not to conduct amaliah in Indonesia," said advisor law.

Meanwhile, Oman's Book of Tawhid Booklet series only describes tawheed and the meaning of the tagut, not the teaching of jihad.

"From the testimony of witnesses and experts, the defendant is not advocating jihad or amaliah in Indonesia, it is unwise to accuse the defendant of committing acts of terrorism because no act of defendant leads to terrorism," he said.

The legal advisor asked for three things in the pledoi trial in order to free the defendant from all charges and charges, to impose all material costs on the state and to provide the lightest punishment to the defendant.

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