Officially Operate, PLTP Karaha Illuminates 33 Thousand Homes in…
Tuesday, May 01 2018 - 17:30 IWST
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Thursday, November 02 2017 - 20:30 IWST
New Renewable Energy Potential is Abundant in West Sumatra
Padang - Governor of West Sumatra Irwan Prayitno emphasized that people should understand that renewable energy is the future of Indonesia's energy security, replacing fossil energy that began…

Sunday, September 03 2017 - 18:00 IWST
Java Power Plant Worth 4.2 Billion Dollars
4x1.000 MW Java Steam Power Plant (PLTU) in Jepara Regency, Central Java, has an investment value of 4.2 billion US dollars.

Friday, August 25 2017 - 17:00 IWST
Bakrie Group Ready to Work on Geothermal Energy in Madiun
Jakarta- Bakrie Group through PT Bakrie Darmakarya Energi, targeting two geothermal resource point aka energy treasure in Madiun. This is known from the result of meeting with the team from…

Thursday, August 03 2017 - 19:34 IWST
Disburse Trillions of Rupiah, Government Make Flores Geothermal Island
Jakarta - The government set the island of Flores as a geothermal island. The stipulation is set forth in the Decree of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources number 2268 K / 30 / MEM…

Wednesday, July 26 2017 - 16:46 IWST
Germany Advises Indonesia to Avoid Nuclear and Maximize Geothermal
Surabaya - German Ambassador to Indonesia Michael Freiherr von Ungern-Sternberg advises Indonesia not to develop new nuclear renewable energy. Because in Indonesia, there are many other potential…

Wednesday, July 26 2017 - 15:44 IWST
From 7200 MW, Government Target, New 1,643 MW Installed
Jakarta, Director General of Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation (EBTKE) The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Rida Mulyana, today officially opened "Geothermal Community Luncheon"…

Wednesday, July 26 2017 - 02:10 IWST
The Government Increases Renewable Energy Search
Jakarta - The government through the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) is intensifying the search for renewable energy (EBT) as a substitute for fossils.