Kotawaringin Palm Farmers Wait for President Jokowi's presence

By : Herry Barus And Aldo Bella Putra | Friday, August 24 2018 - 00:00 IWST

Kebun Kelapa Sawit (Ist)
Kebun Kelapa Sawit (Ist)

INDUSTRY.co.id - Palangka Raya - President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo is planned to attend West Kotawaringin Regency, Central Kalimantan, to conduct the initial planting of oil palm trees in the gardens belonging to the people who are included in the rejuvenation program.

Now it is being communicated to Governor Sugianto Sabran regarding the schedule for planting the oil palm plantation rejuvenation program in the province, said the Head of the Central Kalimantan Plantation Office, Rawing Rambang, in Palangka Raya, Thursday (08/23/2018)

"After there is certainty from the Governor about when it will be, we will submit it to the Central Government to adjust to the President's schedule. But, the information we receive, the President wants to be present at the inaugural palm oil plantation," he explained.

The Central Government through the Management Board of Oil Palm Plantation Funds (BPDPKS) has created an oil palm plantation rejuvenation program owned by communities throughout Indonesia. For Central Kalimantan Province, the rejuvenation program is targeted at 10,223 hectares and must be truly owned by the community.

Rawing said that the initial planting was carried out because the land area of ​​1,031 hectares owned by the community, which was proposed by the Central Kalimantan Disbun to participate in the oil palm plantation rejuvenation program, had been verified and validated by BPDPKS.

"If it has been verified, then everyone hectare of oil palm plantations owned by the community will be given a fund of Rp. 25 million. The funds are used for the rejuvenation of oil palm plantations," he said.

Participating in the oil palm rejuvenation program is group, and is proposed to the local District / City Government. For one group, it has a minimum land area of ​​around 25 hectares.

The categories that can follow are, the trees are very old, and the production is relatively small. For example, the area of ​​oil palm plantations is one hectare, but the production is only less than 10 tons, food needs rejuvenation because the results are not in accordance with the area.

"The Central Government program is evenly distributed in all regencies / cities in Central Kalimantan. But for the inaugural planting it is carried out in Kobar Regency. The plan is indeed the President is present," said Rawing

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