This Year LPDB KUMKM Targets Revolving Fund to Reach Rp 1.2 T
By : Ahmad Fadli Dan Aldo Bella Putra | Wednesday, January 10 2018 - 22:00 IWST
Direktur Utama LPDB KUMKM Braman Setyo (Foto: Dok - Jakarta - The Revolving Fund Management Agency (LPDB) -KUMKM targets a Rp 1.2 trillion revolving fund to be allocated with conventional Rp 750 billion and sharia pattern of Rp 450 billion.
Of the target, Rp 480 billion will be allocated to Koperasi Simpan Pinjam, Rp 120 billion to Real Sector Cooperatives, Rp 240 billion to LKB / LKBB, and Rp 360 billion to MSME which includes Rp 100 billion for beginner entrepreneur.
President Director of LPDB-KUMKM Braman Setyo, expressed that last year's distribution reached 79.40 percent of the target of Rp 1 trillion or Rp 793.9 billion. Based on data until the end of last year, said Bram, recorded from the realization of the distribution process with details of the committee waiting for MKP published Rp 12.76 billion, MKP and SP3 issued by Rp 48 billion, partner object Rp 35.96 billion, has been waiting for liquid Rp 489.4 billion and disbursed Rp 207.82 billion.
Last year, said Bram, LPDB-KUMKM managed to distribute loans or financing to Cooperatives and SMEs amounting to Rp 8.492.527.171.061 given to 1014.078 perpetrators of Micro and Small Business. "Based on our analysis, from the channeling managed to absorb the labor force of 1,847,787 people," said Bram.
Alluding to the realization of revenue, Bram said, LPDB-KUMKM managed to record revenues of RP 200,807,012,921 or amounted to 122.74 percent of the mandated target of Rp 163,606,000,000. Distribution of revenues derived from revenues from revolving fund services amounted to Rp 128.79 billion or 64.14 percent, banking services revenue of Rp 71.92 billion or 35.82 percent, and the remaining Rp 93 million.
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