Angkasa Pura I Accelerates Land Acquisition of NYIA Airport Project
By : Hariyanto And Aldi Firhand. A | Wednesday, February 07 2018 - 21:36 IWST
Kulon Progo Airport (ist) - Kulon Progo - PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) to accelerate the land acquisition of New Yogyakarta International Airport (NYIA) airport project in Kulon Progo with the target until the end of this month
NYIA Development Project Spokesman PT AP I, Agus Pandu Purnama said it took the Kulon Progo Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region to accelerate land acquisition.
"The main focus now is the settlement of the remaining land through consignment in the courts, and the land clearing process continues," Agus said in Kulon Progo, Tuesday (6/2/2018).
He claims, 85.8% of land or about 500 hectares have been cleared. There are still 87 hectares of unfinished land due to unfinished release process.
"We are adjusting this stage, which needs to be solved first is the consignment, the end of this month should be finished all, just a little," said Pandu.
Meanwhile, disbursement of compensation fund for land acquisition for airport construction in Temon which is consigned at the District Court (PN) Wates is still very minimal.
As of early February 2018, there have been 123 consignment cases that have been subject to verdict. However, from that amount, only two cases have been disbursed funds worth Rp743.481.400 on 2 February 2018.
Thus, the total value of funds disbursed to date amounted to Rp14,553,689,300 with the balance of deposited funds recorded at Rp819,178,720,892.
As of February 2018 there are 19 new consignment cases that go to PN Wates. The case has been registered and is now in the filing stage for bidding to the landowner.
"Meanwhile, in 2017, 11 cases remain unfinished and currently the trial process is still running," said Public Relations of PN Wates Nur Kholida Dwi Wati.
According to her, the cause has not disbursed the fund is various. Both because there is a dispute over the object of land procurement, the location of the requested outside the city and still in the process of delegation, as well as some in the process of completing the liquefying requirements file.
"The existence of a dispute over the object of land acquisition for the construction of public interest facility is, according to him, is common," she said. (tar)
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