SMK Takhasus Mororejo Kendal Rintis Fashion Industry
By : Sriyanto And Aldo Bella Putra | Monday, April 23 2018 - 15:30 IWST
SMK Takhasus Mororejo Kendal Rintis Industri Fashion (Foto Sriyanto) - Kendal - The fighting spirit and the heroism of RA Kartini is the vision of SMK Takhasus of Mororejo Kaliwungu Kendal village to educate their students to be independent and have special skills in fashion by holding a fashion show at their school which is followed by junior and vocational students.
Basyar Rohman (Gus Basyar) as a pioneer in the construction of private vocational school Mororejo Kaliwungu village feel moved to seize opportunities in the future, the school needs to have basic and icons to raise the image of private vocational schools that tend to be less desirable by the community environment.
From the community of Muslims in Kendal District, especially in Kaliwungu sub district has become the basic of pesantren pondok establishment; this becomes a challenge in pioneering the building of schools that need to be equipped with santriwan and santriwati lodge facilities. Or the school founded by Yayasan Manba'ul Hikmah is to open junior and senior high school education with modification of formal education and study.
Gus Basyar said that vocational schools, especially in locations adjacent to industrial estates by the Ministry of Education Center become a priority to be given proven support in last year SMK Takhasus get assistance of Rp 350 million from the Ministry of Education through its program that supports SMK as a provider of ready-made industry.
Principles of school can be raised by the environment where Kaliwungu has become the center of Muslim fashion manufacturers, from three existing majors (culinary, clothing and computer engineering). In the department of fashion, students who were taught sewing school was able to give birth pioneer fashion business.
The work of this new clothing pupils can serve small party orders, among others: making 100 workers uniforms for employees of PT. Plywood, 5000 slayer on Hari Santri, and performed at Kendal Expo stand by means of 12 hight speed machines, 6 obras and woll soom engines.
Through the tutors and also bring designers from Jogja, the clothing students can make various types of apparel, such as school uniforms, boy scouts, seasonal clothes, koko, shirts and games. Described by the teacher Tata Clothing Nur Satik, ST, school practice tools, in addition to learning to sew and make desaign clothing, students are also stimulated to be able to innovate for pioneering independent business.
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