Citibank and AJI Hold Open Master Class Digital Financial Literacy 2018
By : Wiyanto And Aldo Bella Putra | Monday, May 07 2018 - 13:30 IWST
Peserta, mentor dan Citibank di acara Master Class Digital Financial Literacy 2018
INDUSTRY - Jakarta-Citi Indonesia (Citibank) in cooperation with the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) Indonesia opened the program "Master Class Digital Financial Literacy 2018" which was inaugurated by Director, Country Head of Corporate Affairs Citi Indonesia Elvera N. Makki and Secretary General of AJI Indonesia Revolusi Riza.
Through rigorous selection, the class was attended by 18 senior journalists and editors as representatives of national and local media in Indonesia. The results of a survey conducted by the Internet Service Providers Association (APJI) in 2017 stated that 143.26 million people of Indonesia have been connected to the internet, from the total population of Indonesia as much as 262 million people1. This number increased compared to the year 2016, ie 132.7 million inhabitants. In line with that, data from wearesocial from 2015 to 2017 indicates that the rate of adoption of digitalization in Indonesia is triggered by the use of smartphones, including in conducting banking transactions, such as mobile payment and personal wealth management. The rate of digital trends and world technology is increasingly disruptive and fast moving, including in Indonesia. Based on data from the Fintech Indonesia Association, there are currently around 134 fintech companies in Indonesia targeting five sectors, namely payment landing, capital market, insurance, market processioning, and peer to peer lending 2.
This disruptive trend and acceleration drive Citibak and AJI to hold the "Master Class Digital Financial Literacy 2018" program for the first time in three months. Citi Indonesia Chief Executive Officer Batara Sianturi said, "As a global-scale bank focused on digitizing and innovating banking technology, Citi Indonesia is committed to supporting and implementing educational and literacy finance for the community, including the accelerated understanding of the rapidly expanding digital financial and digital banking The implementation of this program is expected to optimize education to the public through fellow journalists with quality reliable, educative and ethical coverage. "
On the weekend of 5-6 May 2018, Secretary General of the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) of Indonesia Revolusi Riza explained, "The successful journalists who have joined in this program have been very well selected and considering various aspects.Seeing the rapid development of the digital world when journalists should have the capacity and ability of good knowledge in conducting reporting activities in the field.At the start of this program, journalists are expected to gain new knowledge in the digital world, especially in the financial industry. "1 https: //apjii.or .id / content / main / 39 2 Page 2 of 3 Revolution Riza also emphasized that this program is part of AJI Indonesia's efforts to improve journalism professionalism AJI Indonesia has three pillars of struggle that is, first fight for freedom of press second, journalism professionalism, and third about journalist welfare.
Director, Country Head of Corporate Affairs Citi Indonesia Elvera N. Makki added, "With AJI School of Journalism, we present learning modules relevant to the development of the digital world from financial technology (fintech), digital banking, e-commerce, venture capital, etax , virtual card accounts, blockchain, data visualization to the strengthening of soft skills provided by AJI's mentors.With diverse modules focusing on technology and digital-based innovation, we see that the digitalization trend will continue to produce disruptions, which will change how people live their lives and macro, this will affect the movement of the economy, both globally and in Indonesia. " As an appreciation of the hard work that has been done during the program, will be selected the best work of the journalists to win the Journalistic Awards at the end of the program.
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