This Explanation Darun Najaat Maza Foundation related Teacher Dismissal Problem Election Chairman of the Region
By : Wiyanto Dan Aldo Bella Putra | Monday, July 02 2018 - 20:30 IWST
Ilustrasi Guru-foto Kabar Bandung - Bekasi - Darul Maza School states that the school group WA chats are true, but there is no teacher dismissal. Viral previously, teachers at this school were dismissed for political differences in the elections of West Java.
Therefore, Darul Maza School invited the teacher to come to school the next day to clarify and tabayyun. Authority of appointment / dismissal of employees are in Chairman of Foundation, not Chairman of Education Agency Daarun Najaat Maza Foundation (positions held Fachrudin).
"Darul Maza School institutionally in both WA and oral chat has never been said and speech dismissal," said Chairman of the Foundation Darunnajat Maza, Gunawan Subiyanto in Bekasi, Monday (2/7/2018).
He said the teacher said in WA he had been dismissed, even requested a Certificate of Practice to work, so the School asked to come to school the next day. Please note that the dismissal process is not easy, there should be a coaching process, there must be an official letter from the School, starting from the 1st Warning Letter, 2nd Warning Letter, but in this case, because there is no dismissal so there is no warning letter.
"However, the teacher keeps saying he has been sacked via WA by the Foundation and requested a letter of dismissal.
The teacher is still an elementary school teacher Darul Maza, "he said.
At the time of mediation, Fachrudin apologizes if there is a chat in the group perceived dismissal, it is a personal oversight, but the Institution / Foundation states there is no dismissal. Apologies were also delivered by Fachrudin at WA school group.
"The school invites the teacher to keep teaching and join as usual, but the teacher is no longer willing to join SDIT Darul Maza, so it is beyond our responsibility," he said.
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