Purchase Returns 11 Sukhoi-35, Russia Requested No Other CPO Lyrics
By : Herry Barus And Aldo Bella Putra | Wednesday, August 23 2017 - 14:05 IWST
INDUSTRY.co.id - Jakarta - Trade Minister Enggartiasto Lukita has asked the Russian government not to look at palm oil imports from countries other than Indonesia as a trade-off for the purchase of 11 Sukhoi SU-35 fighter planes from Russia worth 1.14 billion US dollars.
Trade Minister Enggartiasto Lukita and Defense Minister Ryamizard Ryacudu said the Indonesian and Russian governments had agreed to buy back in the procurement of defense equipment security equipment (Alpalhankam) in the form of Sukhoi SU-35 fighter aircraft.
"I will persuade our Defense Minister not to glance at the defense equipment from other countries, I also do not look to other countries for CPO and others," said Minister Enggar at a press conference at the Ministry of Defense Jakarta on Tuesday (8/22/2017)
He explained that Russia is a potential market for Indonesian commodity exports and has great economic capability for products such as processed rubber and derivatives, CPO and derivatives, machinery and coffee.
During a trade mission to Russia on Aug. 10, Enggar said the market share of CPO products and their derivatives from Indonesia was disrupted due to the negative issue of the impact of oil palm plantations.
He also assured the palm oil association in Russia that the CPO products and derivatives from Indonesia are hygienic so they can restore the market in Russia and control the price.
"I assure our product is not dirty, it is now being followed up to return our market share," said Enggar, as quoted by Antara.
In addition to CPO, the Minister of Trade also offers other commodities that are the trade-offs of the Sukhoi SU-35 fighter.
During the implementation of the Trade Mission to Russia led by the Minister of Trade on August 10, 2017, the Russian and Indonesian Governments agreed to appoint Rostec and PT. Indonesian Trading Company (PPI) as the technical executive of the buyback.
Rostec guarantees that it will buy more than one export commodity, with options of processed rubber and derivatives, CPO and derivatives, machinery, coffee and derivatives, cocoa and its derivatives, textiles, tea, footwear, processed fish, furniture, copra, plastics and derivatives, Resins, paper, spices, defense industry products, and other products.
Rostec parties are given the freedom to choose exporters so they can get Indonesian export products that are highly competitive.
In addition, Rostec also requested that the delivery of commodities not only to Moscow alone, but also to some places even Eurasia. The Ministry of Trade also declared no objection as far as to give added value to Indonesia's trade.
The purchase of 11 Sukhoi SU-35 fighter planes from Russia worth 1.14 billion US dollars gave Russia the potential to export to Indonesia 50 percent of the purchase or 570 million US dollars.
There is also the purchase of this aircraft to replace the F-5 aircraft to improve defense and security in the country.
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