Pertamina EP Asset 3 Optimistic Reaches 11,000 Bph Oil Production Target
By : Hariyanto And Aldo Bella Putra | Saturday, August 26 2017 - 16:00 IWST
5166 - Jakarta - PT Pertamina EP Asset 3 is optimistic to reach an oil production target of 11,000 barrels per day by the end of 2017. The production target will be supported by the start of Bambu Besar field development in October.
General Manager of Pertamina EP Asset 3 Wisnu Hindadari said, as of July 2017 the average oil production of Pertamina EP Asset 3 is about 10,000 bpd.
"With a number of development wells expected by the end of this year oil production could increase to 11,000 bpd," said Wisnu in a press release on Friday (8/25/2017).
In addition to oil, Pertamina EP Asset 3 also produces gas up to July reaching 300 million cubic feet per day (MMSCFD). Wisnu said Pertamina EP Asset 3 production comes from three fields, Field Tambun, Subang and Jatibarang.
Field Tambun contributes 2,200 bpd of oil and 50 MMSCFD of gas while Subang contributes 1,709 bpd of oil and 200 MMSCFD of gas, and Jatibarang Field contributes 6,000 bpd and gas 50 MMSCFD. "The volume of oil is bigger, but for the contribution of large gas revenues, even contribute up to 80%," he said.
Field Manager Pertamina EP Asset 3 Subang Armand Mel Hukom said Subang Field is developing a well of exploitation in Bambu Besar field and will be executed in October 2017. It is earlier that at the initial estimate of 2018.
In addition, Fiield Subang is also developing drilling wells in Jatiasri for seven points until 2018. However, five wells will be realized this year.
According to Armand, the drilling of two development fields is expected to produce Field Subang until the end of 2017 to reach 2,000 bpd from the current 1,709 bpd and 200 MMSCFD gas.
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