The amount of State-Owned Enterprise Dividend must be considered rationally
By : Herry Barus And Aldo Bella Putra | Thursday, September 07 2017 - 18:30 IWST
Direktur Utama PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk Maryono bersama Menteri BUMN Rini Soemarno di Bali - Jakarta - The amount of dividend targeted by SOE’s needs to be calculated rationally as by taking into account several aspects of financial performance, capital reserve requirement, and investment plan.
"The amount of this dividend has been proposed by the government, but whether the rationality is suitable for the SOE's interest, considering there are rules that have been determined by the Law regarding the amount of dividends," said Vice Chairman of Commission VI Azam Azman Natawijana, in Jakarta, Wednesday (6/9 / 2017)
According to the Democrat Party politician, it will also ask the directors and deputies associated with the rationality.
He argued that in determining the dividend payout is not every year needs to be increased because it must also see the condition of each state-owned enterprise.
Earlier, Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati submitted a proposed Rp43.69 trillion dividend payout target of state-owned enterprises (BUMN) in the 2018 State Revenue and Expenditure Plan (RAPBN).
"We ask that the State Budget for 2018 is targeted to total SOE dividend of Rp43.69 trillion," said Minister of Finance, in Jakarta, Wednesday (30/8).
Sri Mulyani explained that the total dividend target consists of 26 BUMNs listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) of Rp23.14 trillion, 81 non-open state enterprises amounting to Rp19.53 trillion, 18 state-owned enterprises with minority government ownership of Rp112 billion and five state-owned enterprises in the Ministry of Finance amounting to Rp906 billion.
SOE Minister Rini Soemarno believes the state-owned company's dividend payout of Rp43.69 trillion in the RAPBN 2018 can be fulfilled in line with the increase in SOE performance in fiscal year 2017.
"The Rp43.69 trillion dividend target set by the government in RAPBN 2018 must be achieved which will be obtained from various business sectors, including banking and infrastructure," said Rini, after speaking at a seminar titled "SOE Performance as Partnership and Community Development Program Strategy" in Jakarta, Friday (18/8).
In RAPBN 2018, the government set a dividend of state-owned enterprises to increase approximately 6.7 percent of the dividend payments set in APBN-P 2017 amounting to Rp40.1 trillion.
Secretary of the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises Imam A Putro said the 2018 dividend count is based on the profit of the fiscal year 2017.
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