Arisan Mapan Good Credit Without Interest

By : Wiyanto Dan Aldo Bella Putra | Monday, October 16 2017 - 17:00 IWST

CEO Mapan Aldi Haryopratomo (Foto Anto_)
CEO Mapan Aldi Haryopratomo (Foto Anto_) - Jakarta - Arisan Mapan claims to have 90,000 arisan leaders spread across Indonesia who recruited nearly 900,000 members.

CEO Mapan Aldi Haryopratomo said, the way he is working with using a network of housewife arisan. Products distributed to the community at low prices.

"When the arisan shuffle to buy the goods, it is only determined that the money will be paid for the social gathering, without any interest because the price is determined in the future," he said in Jakarta, Monday (16/10/2017).

He said, the product will be taken according to the list of products produced Arisan Mapan. The product, shipped without any additional cost shipping charges. He believes the cost incurred will be covered by itself, with many members of the arisan involved.

He mentioned this business activity as well as educational financial planning to the community. Through the arisan mechanism, he expects the community to be targeted as a market, able to prosper the community.

"During this time, many families who buy goods through renternir with high installment but low quality goods, we hope with the price of goods arisan appropriate initial price and can be paid without interest," he said.

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