Tahun Depan, Pertamina Akan Lakukan Pengeboran 14 Sumur di Blok Mahakam
By : Hariyanto And Aldo Bella Putra | Friday, November 03 2017 - 20:30 IWST
Pertamina (Foto: Ist)
INDUSTRY.co.id - Jakarta - PT. Pertamina (Persero) requires a capital of US $ 700 million or equivalent to Rp9, 4 trillion to work on oil drilling in the Mahakam Block.
"For Delta Mahakam alone, in 2018 we need Capex US $ 700 million," said Elia Massa Manik, President Director of Pertamina in Jakarta, Friday (3/11/2017).
Elia Massa said, next year Pertamina will conduct drilling at 14 wells in Mahakam Block. This figure is increased from previous drilling of 9 wells.
"From mid 2015 (Pertamina) is not drilled, we are realistic if only 9 wells will be less and impact to production, we will accelerate acceleration to drill in 2017. Hopefully this year we can reach 14 wells," she explained.
He added, previously, Pertamina has started capital expenditure in Mahakam block worth US $ 180 million. "So if we are given the Mahakam delta, then we will enjoy it, so it is not without sacrifice We need to invest," she said.
Due to drilling delays from 2015 to 2016 yesterday, Elijah plans to call the board of directors for a meeting on production output estimates when drilling 14 wells next year.
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