Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) Invites State-Owned Enterprises to Create Clean Business Practices
By : Ridwan And Aldo Bella Putra | Thursday, November 16 2017 - 23:00 IWST
Ketua Umum Kadin Indonesia Rosan P. Roeslani (Foto Ist) - Jakarta - Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) Indonesia invites the cooperative both BUMN and private sector to run good business practices and clean business.
This was conveyed by Chairman of Kadin, Rosan P. Roeslani in a seminar held Kadin at Hotel Borobudur, Jakarta (16/11/2017) themed "Towards Best Practice and Clean Practice of State-Owned and Private Synergy".
The enactment of PERMA No.13 of 2016 on Corruption Crime Procedures by the Corporation (PERMA Criminal Acts Corporations) indeed brings its own challenges for law enforcers to start targeting corporations as legal subjects.
"PERMA is used by law enforcement officers as guidelines for handling certain crimes involving corporations and administrators," said Rosan.
On the other hand, continued Rosan, as a business actor, the enactment of this PERMA can also be used as a reference milestone for corporations to improve good governance.
"Especially BUMN where necessary clarity in terms of separation of state financial management in order to avoid misuse of budget usage," he explained.
According to him, some circles from the business world had judged that PERMA Corporate Crime is less fair because the crimes committed by an individual within the company can be the responsibility of the entire company.
"PERMA can trap a corporation that is known to be part of the criminal act of corruption," added Rosan.
Rosan hopes that all parties should be able to work together to implement the PERMA in order to create a conducive economic situation.
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