Through Sail Sabang, Ministry of Industry Promote Product of Typical Acehnese

By : Ridwan And Aldi Firhand. A | Tuesday, December 05 2017 - 18:54 IWST

Dirjen IKM Kemenperin Gati Wibawaningsih
Dirjen IKM Kemenperin Gati Wibawaningsih - Jakarta - Director General of IKM of the Ministry of Industry(Kemenperin), Gati Wibawaningsih revealed that his party is participating to enliven the 9th Sail Indonesia event, namely Sabang Sail 2017 held in Sabang City, Aceh Province from November 28 to December 5, 2017.

This participation is in the form of facilitation of four leading IKM from Aceh Province to perform at Indah Sabang & Marine Expo 2017 Exhibition, which is one of Sabang Sail event 2017 at Jetty CT-3 BPKS, Sabang.

"From the four IKM, they showcase Aceh gayo coffee products, namely Ara Kopi Gayo and Garabi Coffe and Aceh embroidered souvenirs from Cut Nyak and Pearl," said Gati in Jakarta, Tuesday (05/12/2017).

According to Gati, this exhibition aims to promote the potential of Indonesia's flagship products, especially Aceh province. "It is known that the share of PDRB of industrial sector in Aceh Province in 2016 reaches 5.36 percent, with small industries 65,492 units and medium industries 30 units by 2015," he added.

At Kemenperin booth, visitors can not only see and buy the IKM products, but also served for free of the typical Gayo Arabica coffee so that visitors can enjoy the flavor. Gayo Arabica coffee has been listed geographical indication since 2009 as the original coffee from district of Central Aceh.

"The coffee industry is one of the priority sectors set by the Ministry of Industry in accordance with the National Industrial Development Master Plan (RIPIN) in 2015-2035, and is the focus of the commodity development of Ministry of Industry, especially the Directorate General of IKM," said Gati.

This year, Kemenperin has implemented various programs of coffee industry development and coffee processing facilities facilitation in various coffee-producing centers and IKM coffee potential in Indonesia.

"In 2018-2019, we will continue various IKM coffee development programs and activities in Indonesia with a focus on the growth of new IKM coffee entrepreneurs in all potential centers that have National Work Competency Standards (SKKNI)," said Gati.

Meanwhile, Bordir Aceh has become one of the spearhead of the economy of the people of Aceh. Art craft that has long been occupied by the people of Aceh is born from generation to generation, with a distinctive groove motifs and charms on the blend of striking colors.

"Embroidery Aceh now dominates all the patterns of decoration on souvenirs, a bag, so nicknamed the bag of Aceh," she added.

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