Patuna Travel Departs 1,338 People for Umrah in the End of Year
By : Ahmad Fadli And Aldi Firhand. A | Monday, December 18 2017 - 07:20 IWST
PT Patuna Mekar Jaya or Patuna Travel, hajj and umrah travel agency held a Major Meeting of Prospective Hajj Pilgrims in 2018-2025 at Manggala Wanabakti building on Sunday (15/10/2017). - Jakarta - PT Patuna Mekar Jaya, a pilgrimage and umrah pilgrimage bureau held a Manasik umrah for 1,338 potential pilgrims who will depart on 21, 23 and 25 December 2017. Umrah program later this year to meet the wishes of people who want to fill the holidays with worship.
President Director of PT Patuna Travel Syam Resfiadi said Umrah needs at the end of this year because it coincides with the national holidays of many parents who leave work, and coincides also the school holidays so many of them parents who want to fill a different holiday in Saudi Arabia.
Manasik we do once, in an effort to provide guidance and direction to prospective Umrah pilgrims, said Syam in the Participant Manasik Umrah Big Group in Building Manggala Wanabakti, Sunday (17/12)
For this year Patuna Travel has dispatched 875 pilgrims, and in 2018 it targets to dispatch 1 million Umrah pilgrims.
We are optimistic to reach the number, because we also have PT Permata Travel to anticipate the interest of people who want to Umrah under the government reference price of Rp 20 million, and we can leave by providing the evidence and optimal service, hope
With regard to claims of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel by US President Donald Trump some time ago, Syam revealed some risks that could affect religious tourism business to Aqsa Mosque, one of them is visa cancellation.
As for Jerusalem or Al-Aqsa which is also part of advanced Umrah travel, there are indeed risks that can happen such as visa cancellation. But for travel entrepreneurs do not be afraid, because Israel is in need of income from the tourism sector, he concluded.
Also present in the event is Khadijah or better known greeting Peggy Melati Sukma as a public figure who has several times using the services of pilgrimage and umroh from the PT Patuna Travel. He conveyed that Patuna Travel agency of Hajj and Umrah with the suitability of the sunnah of Rasulullah SAW.
Patuna prepared asatid and ustadzah who accompanied and became a place to ask the order of Umrah in accordance with Sunnah Rasulullah SAW. Patuna team that has been trained and tested for decades in managing the pilgrimage and Umrah, he said
Himself also advised this trip on the will of Allah SWT do not let the comfort created into our negligence.
Little things alone can shake our hearts that are worshiping. Therefore be careful, keep your heart. Because we will leave the country, leave the family, leave the property, leave our office, and leave anything. Therefore intend to worship to get the blessings of Allah SWT, he concluded.
On this occasion also held training and visualization to the prospective congregation about the situation or picture as they would do in the holy land later.
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