Fintech Tunai Kita Offer Unsecured Loans
By : Aldo Bella Putra | Wednesday, July 26 2017 - 17:28 IWST
5166 - Jakarta- PT Digital Tunai Kita, a technology finance company (Tunaikita) issues unsecured loans. Tunaikita provides loans between Rp 1 million to Rp 10 million. Loan term ranges from three months to six months.
"I am informed that the credit gap in Indonesia is quite astonishing in the figure of 80 billion USD per year. So our plan to reach 40 billion loan disbursed until the end of 2017," said CEO of TunaiKita, James Chan in Jakarta, Wednesday (26/7/2017).
To obtain a loan from TunaiKita, different customers will be charged with varying interest rates. The interest rate is between 6% to 10% per month.
The amount of interest given depends on a number of factors. Starting from the tenor and ceiling to credit risk factors of each customer.
"To measure our risk of using the same digital system as one of our shareholders, WeCash," he explained
Going forward, he called his side developing new products. Including to make loan products that give interest up to 0%.
Even so he acknowledged the potential for bad credit risks still aja. In WeCash, for example, the ratio of bad loans is in the range of 2% to 3%. "We are targeting the ratio of bad debts in TunaiKita not far from that figure," he said
For information, PT Digital Tunai Kita (TunaiKita) established in January 2017 is a joint venture between Wecash Southeast Asia, JAS Kapital, and Kresna Creative Enterprises.
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