Minister of Research on Technology and Higher Education (Menristekdikti) Targets Only 3,500 Universities
By : Herry Barus And Aldo Bella Putra | Friday, January 05 2018 - 16:00 IWST
Menteri Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi (Menristekdikti) Muhammad Nasir (Foto ist) - Jakarta - Minister of Research and Technology Higher Education (Menristekdikti) Mohamad Nasir said it will run the merger so that it targets there will only 3,500 universities in Indonesia.
"Private universities (universities) with under 1,000 students need to merge, this is for the efficiency of 4,570 universities (PTN) and private universities that can be merged into around 3,500 universities," said Menristekdikti in Jakarta on Thursday 4/1/2017
It was delivered in a media meeting titled Surgical Performance 2017, Focus Performance 2018 and Anugerah Journalist and Media Ministry of Research and Technology Higher Education (Kemristekdikti) 2017.
Reflecting from China with a population of 1.4 billion but only has half the number of universities owned by Indonesia then, according to him, college mergers to improve quality is very important.
Nasir said the number of small universities is feared to produce less qualified graduates. But the implementation of college merger according to him is not easy.
According to him, five to six colleges from one foundation will be merged "If the study program less then will be assisted plus to get the road".
However he says great research and innovation come from good education. In additional, efforts have to improve the quality of higher education in Indonesia one of them by running the merger program.
Not only will it run a college merger, Nasir will also dissolve Coordination of Private Higher Education (Kopertis) in 2018, and replace it with Higher Education Service Institution (LL DIKTI) to coordinate PTN and PTS.
According to him, the move is one of the plans of the 2018 reform program. With LL DIKTI, the Minister of Research and Technology is also optimistic that the Directorate General of Institutional services will be faster and easier. (Ant)
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