Troubled with DC Illegal, Society Must Immediately Report to OJK
By : Herry Barus And Aldo Bella Putra | Saturday, January 06 2018 - 17:00 IWST
Gedung Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) Jakarta - Solo - The Financial Services Authority (OJK) stated that the public can report debt collectors (DC) or officers of illegal financing companies to OJK.
"Illegal means the officers when seizing the vehicle this debtor was not certified and not provided with a letter of duty," said Deputy Head of OJK Solo Tito Adji S in Solo, Friday (5/1/2017)
He said if referring to the rules of OJK then it can be done by debtors who feel harmed.
Previously, through his written statement, Deputy Commissioner of Strategic Management and Logistics OJK Anto Prabowo said in Article 23 of the Financial Services Authority Regulation (POJK) Number 29 / POJK.05 / 2014 on the Operation of Financing Companies said financing companies are prohibited to execute collateral objects if the registration office fidusia has not issued a fiduciary guarantee certificate and submitted it to the finance company.
He said Article 50 states that an employee and / or outsourcer of a finance company handling a billing field is also required to hold a professional certificate in the billing field of an appointed agency by notifying the OJK and accompanying the reason for the appointment.
Meanwhile, based on Article 49, it said that the Regulation of Financial Services Authority (POJK) Number 30 / POJK.05 / 2014 on Good Corporate Governance for Financing Companies has also arranged cooperation mechanism between finance companies and other parties to perform the collection function to debtors.
"Mentioned, the finance company can cooperate with other parties to perform the collection function to the debtor. The finance company must pour cooperation with other parties in the form of a stamped written agreement," he said.
He said that cooperation with other parties must fulfill several provisions of which are in the form of a legal entity, have the permission of the competent authority, and have the human resources who have obtained professional certification in the field of collection from the institution appointed by the association of Indonesian finance companies.
"In this case, the company must also be fully responsible for any impacts resulting from cooperation with other parties," he said.
Meanwhile, according to him, related to the obligation of professional certification in the field of billing, based on data as of November 2017, there have been 63,474 employees and / or outsourced finance companies handling billing fields that have been certified billing field.
"Certification is done by PT Indonesia Finance Financing Company as an institution appointed by the Association of Indonesian Financing Companies as a certification provider," he said.
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