How to Ministry of Technology Research and Higher Education (Menristek Dikti) Print Startup Based Technology

By : Aldo Bella Putra | Sunday, July 30 2017 - 11:15 IWST

5166 - Jakarta - A sustainable company is a company that innovates with technology. If not, of course will be missed and left by the customer. This will bring harm to the company.

Indonesia with a population of 270 million, about 56 million people work as entrepreneurs or traders. Unfortunately from that figure, 99% of them are still in the informal micro business sector.

The main problem faced by business actors, lack of knowledge and business competence in terms of raising the company.

Minister of Technology and Higher Education Research (Dikristrist Dikti) Muhammad Nasir in one event in Jakarta suggested, creating entrepreneurs who have added value and competitive, new business actors must be technology-based and innovate.

If not, he argues, the company will not survive because it is unable to compete with companies that are mostly based on technology.

"The government is ready to provide initial capital for startup and help cooperate with other industries," he said.

Then, what kind of breakthrough Ministry of Research and Higher Education (Kemenristek Dikti), in encouraging the development of technology-based economy, in order to support the efforts of commercialization of research and innovation of the nation.

Listen editorial discussion and editorial from other media with Minister of Research Technology and Higher Education (Minister of Research and Technology Dikti) Muhammad Nasir at Hotel Kartika Chandra, Jakarta some time ago.

Can you explain the program PPBT-PT and IBT?

Yes, one of the programs promoted by Kemenristek Dikti is a High School Technology Based Technology (PPBT-PT) and Technology Business Incubation (IBT).

This program is very important; the government will initiate the development and development of startup entrepreneurs. So the government will support for industries that can already start-up. Later we will assist in cooperation with other industries.

The government will continue to run this program, how incentives are given, they will be given initial capital, but it is not great, it lift them to grow better.

What research is the focus now?

Currently Kemenristek Dikti middle focus with research and technology development in 7 fields. The first field is concerning food security or agriculture. Where in food, it is expected that by 2018 Indonesia can be self-sufficient in food.

The second focus is on health and medicine or food and medicine. Currently, Indonesia has not been able to produce medicine raw materials.

Until now in Indonesia the raw material of drugs almost 92 percent is still imported. Indonesia can only make about 8 percent of raw materials of medicine.

The third focus is in the field of Technology and Information. Meanwhile, the fourth focus in the field of land transportation, sea and air.

The fifth focus is, in the field of material advan, where in advan material, Indonesia is also very behind.

The sixth focus is on energy with a plan to build a nuclear power plant that is expected to contribute 35,000 megawatts of energy in the future.

As for the seventh focus, namely in the field of defense industry, this defense industry is very important. Now unmanned aircraft have been produced by Indonesia. Perhaps also the rocket industry in the future we can develop, this is very possible.

How about the innovation side of our industry?

A sustainable company is a company that innovates with technology. If not, of course will be missed and left by the customer. This will bring harm to the company.

Research and technology ministries have a duty, which so far research only produces publications only. For the future in addition to research and publications, should produce prototype and innovation. And, this innovation will be the start up in the company.

Start up company through this directorat through technology-based start-up companies under the directorate general of innovation strengthening.

This is important for the Ministry of Research and Technology at the bottom of the downstream. Not in the upstream. Hulu is finished research. Mamping research I've asked to director general Risk.

Research is 9 levels. 1, 2, 3 input input in basic research. 4 ,5, 6 it protipe, 7, 8, 9 product innovation. In this innovation product should we start up in the company.

At start of this company we note, where the product is in production and have a very high economic value, so as not to harm the investor.

What about colleges?

Some universities involved electric car makers have gone well. What is still a constraint is the battery. Battery development technology is very rapid.

Namely this latium battery reduces its volume but its ability is very high. The first user is ITS Surabaya. He is based on motor technology. Only batteries remain a problem and cooperation with Japan. Indeed there are we are already independent, but the ability is still low.

Examples of products have been that successful in innovation?

This innovation we are bringing to the industry. Examples are pharmaceutical salts. In 2014, 2015 is still imported. Why import, what cannot afford? It turned out to be a whip for researchers.

They fought hard. Finally, the researchers produced a pharmaceutical salt formula well. From their current count, in 2015, the salt farmasuk of raw materials is only 600 to 1000 rupiah per kg.

But after it is processed, to become an industry with innovation, the price of salt to be at least Rp 28 thousand per kg. Incredible value added.

How is eastern Indonesia?

We again develop a boat for fishermen. I am incubating too. That is the development of flat plate ship. Besides being reliable to build Indonesia's maritime strength, this Dat plate also has strong competitiveness and its production cost is much cheaper when compared to wood and fiber based vessels.

Dat Plate Flat suitable to meet the needs of Indonesian fishermen. Average ship v letter but this ship is a letter w but reversed.

From the aspect of the speed at sea, the stern design of the ship that forms the letter W inverted (semi trimaran) is able to move the ship with a speed doubled by utilizing wave energy if the first generation ship takes 250 horse power to reach 24.5 knots.

This ship only takes 170 horse powers. The price of this steel vessel is 275 million. It's very efficient in eastern Indonesia. I am sure that the Dat Platter will be able to compete in Indonesia and world class.

The reason, this ship has several advantages, including having high speed, stronger durability, faster production process, and the production cost of this vessel is also much cheaper when compared to ships made of wood and fiber.

Although made from steel, the price of Dat Plate is even cheaper. In the same 10 GT (Gross Tonnage), the price of 10 GT wooden vessels reaches Rp 350 million, while the price of fiber boats reaches around Rp 470 million.

Another advantage of this Dat Platform ship is a ship of children of Indonesia itself. So that the production process can be done 100 percent made from raw Indonesia.

How are all of these programs successful?

The need for synergy is between related parties. Between universities, industry, government. Government programs, mediate what researchers and industries want to do.

For capital, the government must mediate what the industry needs and which is provided by the researcher. This breakthrough is done continuously do not stop here. (Kormen)

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