Golkar Welcomes Perindos Support to Jokowi in the 2019 Presidential Election
By : Aldo Bella Putra | Wednesday, August 02 2017 - 15:59 IWST
INDUSTRY.co.id -
Jakarta - Golkar General Treasurer Robert J Kardinal welcomes the support of Perindo Chairman Hary Tanoesoedibjo to Joko Widodo in the 2019 presidential election because it can give a positive result.
"They (Perindo) previously opposed, but I think this (support for Jokowi) is a positive thing because it has been decided then it is finished," said Cardinal Robert to the media crew at Gedung Nusantara III DPR RI in Jakarta, Wednesday (02/08/2017 )
He said more political party support is better, meaning they think the government is doing well, especially President Jokowi and Vice President Jusuf Kalla.
He acknowledges that HT has a legal case he is facing and Perindo's stance is opposed to government policy but must be separated with political support for Jokowi.
"I do not want to see it, political affairs cannot be mixed," he said.
But he was reluctant to detail political cooperation in the future with Perindo because the party's support to Jokowi would be legally decided.
Perindo Chairman Hary Tanoesoedibjo indicated his support for President Joko Widodo as the 2019 presidential candidate.
"For the presidential election, seeing current developments, the upcoming Party Congress will propose Mr. Jokowi as the 2019 Presidential Candidate," Hary Tanoe said.
The positive signal was delivered by Hary Tanoe after the awarding of Innovative Head of Innovative SINDO 2017 at Hotel Westin, Jakarta, Tuesday (1/8) which was also attended by Minister of Home Affairs Tjahjo Kumolo.
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