Not Data Leakage, Communication and Informatics Accuses Misuse of NIK Data
By : Ahmad Fadli Dan Aldo Bella Putra | Sunday, March 11 2018 - 16:00 IWST
Ilustrasi registrasi simcard prabayar - Jakarta - The Ministry of Communications and Information (Kemenkominfo) Technology denied the existence of data leakage of resident registration number used for cellular registration, through NIK and Family Card.
Plt Head of Public Relations Bureau Kemenkominfo Noor Iza in his press conference, in Jakarta Saturday, March 10 said there was a public report related to the NIK number.
"What happens today and is news is NIK and KK are used without frills and not born," he said.
It was assassinated that the identity of residence in registration is a law of eligibility. Kemenkominfo appealed back to the community to be careful and maintain the identity of individuals and cannot be for others not to be abused. For example is when asking for help doing mobile registration.
"Do not let the records, photographed, photocopied, except on direct operator owned booth," he said.
Previously reported, there is the identity theft of the resident identity number on behalf of Aninda. Through twitter account to Indosat and kominfo. Anita claimed her NIK had been used up to 50 cellular numbers she did not know.
Meanwhile, Head of Corporate Communications Indosat Ooredoo, Deva Rachman confirmed the report and the outbreak of the number of unclear numbers in KK and NIK Aninda.
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