ESDM Ministry Sends 23 Participants To Join Geothermal Project Management in New Zealand
By : Hariyanto And Aldo Bella Putra | Tuesday, March 13 2018 - 18:00 IWST
Kementrian ESDM (Hariyanto/ - Jakarta - The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) again sent 23 participants to follow Geothermal Project Management conducted from 12 March to 11 April 2018 in Auckland, New Zealand.
The program is collaboration between the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources through the Human Resources Development Agency (BPSDM) with New Zealand's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT).
"Entering the 60th year of diplomatic relations, the New Zealand Government views Indonesia as a parallel partner with other countries in line with Indonesia's growing economy," said New Zealand Ambassador to Indonesia Trevor Matheson during the Pre Departure Briefing speech for program participants at Jakarta (5/3/2018).
Matheson said the renewable energy in energy mix in New Zealand has now reached 80%, and is targeted in 2025 to be 100%. Therefore, he hopes this program can be used as a place to share experiences with the Indonesian nation.
This program is the second year of implementation where 24 participants from Indonesia participated in Geothermal Project Management activities in 2017, at full New Term Training Scholarships from New Zealand Government.
This year, 23 participants were selected to attend the training program, with details of 3 people from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, 1 from Bappenas, 2 from the University and 18 from Geothermal Business Sector: PT. Geodipa, PT. Pertamina Geothermal Energy, Star Energy, and Supreme Energy.
History of geothermal energy development in Indonesia cannot be separated from geothermal development in New Zealand. Beginning in 1972 where Geothermal Energy ltd (GENZL) cooperated with Pertamina to develop a geothermal field in Kamojang.
Approximately 42 years later, in 2018 Indonesia will become the second largest country after the United States as a geothermal power producer with a total capacity of about 2,023.5 MW after the operation of PLTP Sibuai-buai (sarula Unit 3, 110 MW), PLTP Lumut Balai (55 MW), PLTP Sorik Marapi Modular (20 MW), Sokoria Unit 1 (5 MW) and Lahendong Binary (5 MW).
To continue developing the geothermal industry in Indonesia, in addition to the required investment climate and technological mastery, which is not less important is the readiness of human resources. Through this training program, participants are expected to understand how to manage geothermal projects, from geosciences to project finance.
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