BCA Syariah Opens Twelve Service Network
By : Wiyanto Dan Aldo Bella Putra | Wednesday, March 21 2018 - 22:00 IWST
Presdir BCA Syariah Jhon Kosasih (Foto Dok Industry.co.id)
INDUSTRY.co.id - Jakarta - PT Bank BCA Syariah will expand its office network by 2018. At least 12 sharia office networks will be spread across Indonesia. This effort is part of the extension of BCA Syariah.
President Director of BCA Syariah John Kosasih explained, adding 12 such networks in Kediri, Bandar Lampung, Solo, Jakarta, Yogyakarta, Medan, Malang and Palembang.
"BCA Syariah currently has 60 branch networks spread across Java and Sumatra," he said in Jakarta, Wednesday (21/3/2018).
With the addition of a new office network, John said, the office network is expected to reach 72 network offices.
Even the BCA Syariah network can be served at the BCA BCA Sharia parent office.
"So customers who come to BCA can make sharia transaction because we open the sharia service unit there," he said.
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