IPO Price WIKA Realty Floors in 195 - 255
By : Wiyanto Dan Aldo Bella Putra | Friday, April 27 2018 - 15:30 IWST
PT Wika Realty (ist)
INDUSTRY.co.id - Jakarta - WIKA Reality wills Initial Public Offering (IPO) or floors in Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX), with price range of IPO 195 - 255.
Binaartha Institutional Research analyst Reza Priyambada said the period of IPO book building (24/4/2018) - (2/5/2018). Effective OJK (9/5/2018) and Listing on BEI (17/5/2018).
"Wika Realty is a subsidiary of SOE PT Wijaya Karya Tbk has experience in building property projects under the brand name Tamansari," he said in Jakarta, Friday (4/27/2018).
Several WIKA Realty projects he continued, Benhil Central, Jakarta Rivercity, Tamansari Amarta Yogyakarta, Tamansari Kencana Bandung, and other projects scattered throughout major cities in Indonesia.
According to him, several land developments include: Kelapa Gading 1.9 ha, South Bandung 64 ha, Surabaya 178 ha, and some other land.
"The use of IPO funds: 20% working capital, 43% of land acquisition, 10% established JV and 27% acquisition of property companies," he said.
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