Ministry of Education & Culture and All Student Teachers Held Degree Education Party
By : Anisa Triyuli And Aldo Bella Putra | Wednesday, May 02 2018 - 15:30 IWST
Jaringan Semua Murid Semua Guru (SMSG) (Foto Anisa) - Jakarta - Ministry of Education and Culture (kemendikbud) along with Network All Students All Teachers (SMSG) on the National Education Day (2/5/2018). Matching Education Party for all Indonesian people.
All Disciples Network All Teachers who become a forum of education of Indonesia reaffirm the importance of the involvement of all elements of society to encourage better education of Indonesia.
"The hope for better education outcomes in Indonesia can only be realized effectively by changing the educational paradigm more than just schoolwork, education is a collaborative process between children, parents, educators and their lifelong social environment," said Najelaa Shihab, Network Initiator All Students of All Teachers at Education Festival (2/5/2018) in Jakarta.
SMSG seeks to mobilize emancipation to create a powerful society through various creative activities in the form of awareness-raising sessions, dialogue, consultations and program partnerships that touch and involve all parties.
"This year there are three new programs that are very effective in engaging the public and have a real impact on the beneficiaries of 'Send Budi', 'Photo Contest' and 'All Student Songs' Songs.Concretely, partners from different professional backgrounds can engage in these activities and become part of the educational struggle together "explained Najelaa.
A number of breakthroughs and achievements achieved by various educational communities belonging to the All Student All Teachers network are celebrated in Education Festival 2018 which takes place in 6 cities such as Jakarta, Bandung, Makassar, Yogyakarta, Surabaya and Ambon.
The 2018 educational party raised 4 selected community-based education programs that opened itself to public support through the "Public Promises" session. These activities serve as a tangible reflection of the 5 principles of the All Disciples of All Teachers network that are implemented together that embody the lifelong learners, empower all actors and roles, appreciate diversity, openly collaborate and, Practice good Standards.
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