Ceramic Industry Waiting for Government Commitment
By : Ridwan And Aldi Firhand. A | Friday, May 04 2018 - 22:02 IWST
Workers at ceramics factory (Ist)
INDUSTRY.co.id - Jakarta, Although included in one of the oldest industries in the world, including its development in the country, the national ceramics industry has to be hobbled by a number of problems.
As many have noted, the industry has long been ‘Sad’ with relatively expensive gas energy price levels.
Even more expensive than neighboring countries. Whereas the price of gas energy contributes substantially in the share of national ceramic production cost, about 35% - 39% of total production cost.
Not to mention getting answers in the form of solutions, the ceramic industry again hit by new problems, in the form of seepage of imported ceramic products, especially from China which began little by little shifting local products from consumers.
Moreover, China is now trying to brake its economic growth, so in itself the demand for local ceramic products should be contracted.
Asian markets are also the target of its excess supply including Indonesia.
Economic agreement with the Bamboo Curtain country is also felt to hit the performance of ceramic industry in the country.
Because the application of import duty can no longer be done solely to protect local industry actors, but also must think about the interests of partner countries in distributing their goods.
Absolute, the National Ceramics Industry currently requires a 'touch' of the Government, the realization of the Promise will be very meaningful to enhance the competitiveness and existence of the national ceramics industry.
Read more in-depth the issue of National Ceramics Industry in May 2018 Industry Magazine, 'Ceramic Industry Waiting for Government Commitment'.
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