Five Factories in Mukomuko Buy Cheap Palm Oil
By : Hariyanto And Aldo Bella Putra | Wednesday, May 30 2018 - 18:00 IWST
kelapa sawit - Mukomuko - A total of five palm oil processing factories or CPO in Mukomuko Regency, Bengkulu Province, currently buy fresh fruit palm fruit bunches of local farmers at cheaper prices than before.
"Five CPO factories that buy local farmers' palm at a low price, namely PT SSJA, PT S3, PT USM, PT MMIL, and PT BMK," said Kasi Partnership and Licensing Plantation Office of Agriculture Mukomuko Sudianto in Mukomuko, Tuesday (29/5 / 2018).
He explains, these five CPO factories buy fresh fruit bunches of palm oil owned by local farmers at cheap prices allegedly due to the effect of decline in world crude oil prices.
He said the CPO factory PT SSJA bought local palm oil at a price of Rp1,230 per kilogram, down from the previous Rp1.250 per kg.
Then the price of palm oil in CPO factory PT S3 bought fresh fruit bunches of palm oil farmers at a price of 1,290 per kg, down from the previous Rp1.310 per kg.
PT CPM's palm oil mill purchased palm oil at Rp1,380 per kg, down from Rp1,400 per kg, USM factory at Rp1,420 per kg, PT MMIL Rp1,290 per kg.
The price of palm oil in four CPO factories in the area since last three weeks still survive, namely CPO Factory PT. KSM purchased oil palm FFB of Rp1,290 per kg.
The price of palm oil at PT SAP is Rp 1,310 per kg, the price of palm oil at PT AMK is Rp1,295 per kg, the price of palm oil at PT DDP plant in Ipuh Subdistrict and Lubuk Bento Village is Rp1,300 per kg.
He stated that the price of palm oil in the CPO factory in the area is lower than the palm oil price set by the plantation commodity price forming team of Rp1.328 per kilogram.
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