APP Sinar Mas Donates 10,000 Al-Quran to Riau
By : Anisa Triyuli And Aldo Bella Putra | Sunday, June 10 2018 - 14:00 IWST
Asia Pulp & Paper (APP) Sinar Mas (Foto : dok - Riau - Asia Pulp & Paper (APP) Sinar Mas with PT Arara Abadi, PT Indah Kiat Pulp & Paper Perawang, Sinar Mas Riau, and supported by Riau Provincial Government, donated 10,000 Al-Quran and distributed 10,000 packaged cooking oil at affordable price locals.
This activity is the effort of APP Sinar Mas to support the government in fulfilling the needs of Al-Quran in the homeland, as well as in the framework of friendship with people in various regions in Riau Province. The results of research from the Institute of Quran Sciences (IIQ) in January 2018 recorded about 65 percent of Indonesian people illiterate Al-Quran. The amount is higher than Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) data in 2013, by 54 percent.
"The Quran Waqq activities and the cooking oil bazaar are the efforts of APP Sinar Mas to practice the values of kindness and caring through sharing activities with the community in the holy month of Ramadan. Quran waqf is also a form of our commitment to support government efforts to expand the availability of Al-Quran in the community, "said Director of APP Sinar Mas Suhendra Wiriadinata in Riau, Thursday (7/6/2018).
Head of Department of Trade Cooperatives and SMEs Riau Province Yulwiriati Moesa give appreciation to APP Sinar Mas because it has helped people to get access to read Al-Quran and lighten the burden of society in welcoming Eid al-Fitr. The involvement of companies with the government to deploy low-cost markets is needed by the community, especially to meet the needs of Ramadan and Idul Fitri.
"We deeply appreciate the support and assistance from APP Sinar Mas to the people of Riau. The involvement of companies with the government to deploy low-cost markets is needed by the community, especially to meet the needs of Ramadan and Idul Fitri. Hopefully this program is beneficial to the community, "he said.
Sinar Mas through its business pillar, APP Sinar Mas, puts endowments into a corporate social responsibility (CSR) program that puts forward its own flagship product and brand. This is in line with the government's policy to strengthen the use of domestic products.
The Koran paper is represented using a special premium paper Sinar Tech or otherwise known as QPP. The paper product developed by APP Sinar Mas's industrial unit, Indah Kiat Pulp & Paper - Tangerang has a very fine texture. In addition, the prints are very good and detailed, ink is not spilling, not penetrating, and not dazzle the eyes of its readers. QPP print quality can last up to 100 years under normal circumstances.
Suhendra explained, Koran Paper has been certified halal from the Indonesian Ulema Council because the raw materials and production process meet the principles of halal. 90 percent of QPP products are exported to various countries in Asia and Africa because of their excellent quality.
"Through Quran donation with the best paper quality, we hope to help local people to maximize their worship, especially since the Quran is able to survive for generations," he added.
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