Coordinator of State Assistance for Friends, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Open Posko in Balikpapan, Makassar and Palu

By : Herry Barus And Aldo Bella Putra | Monday, October 08 2018 - 01:00 IWST

Tanggap bencana (Foto Dok
Tanggap bencana (Foto Dok - Jakarta - Regarding the evacuation of foreign nationals (foreigners), it is now complete. Yesterday, South Koreans (South Koreans) were found. And that was the last foreigner found.

This was stated by Deputy Foreign Minister (Deputy Foreign Minister) Abdurrahman Mohammad Fachir during the Media Merdeka Barat 9 Media Discussion (Dismed FMB'9) with the theme "Central Sulawesi Disaster Response Update, Basic Facilities Management, Refugees, and Foreign Assistance".

Dismed FMB'9 this time was held at the Lobby Graha National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB), Jakarta, Saturday (6/10/2018).

"Regarding the assistance of friendly countries, I would like to emphasize that after President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) received a number of calls from a number of heads of state, he (the President) decided to accept offers of assistance from a number of friendly countries according to our needs," said Fachir.

Therefore, the Deputy Foreign Minister explained, after the decision, the President appointed the Coordinating Minister for Politics and Security (the Coordinating Minister for Politics, Law and Human Rights) to coordinate across sectors.

"So, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Kemlu) entered as the National Task Force as a national aid sub-task force. "At that time there were 25 countries and 4 international organizations that stated sending aid," explained Fachir.

The main thing, according to the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, is air transportation, then generators, tents, water treatment, and field hospitals. That is identified according to what they offer.

"Apparently, what they offer includes financial assistance. We accept it with thanks. We process the assistance, all related to procedures, including air transport, "said Fachir.

The Deputy Foreign Minister explained, specifically for air transportation, specifications were given, namely those that can runway 2,000 meters. Decided like a Boeing 737 down. Until finally the offer is processed. And now there are 8 flight clearances.

"There are also countries that have realized assistance to Indonesia in 18 countries. Some countries offer but are not in line with initial identification. We say, we first identify and ensure that the equipment is needed there (Central Sulawesi), "said Fachir.

If yesterday it was explained by the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) that we were sufficient with drugs and medical personnel, according to the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, it turns out there are others, namely the problem is in distribution.

"To help with the distribution of aid, we have a post assisted by BNPB friends in Palu (Central Sulawesi), Makassar (South Sulawesi), and Balikpapan (East Kalimantan)," said Fachir.

From the Indonesian National Army (TNI), according to the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, directing all aircraft carrying assistance to be directed to Balikpapan. There were several planes that immediately after dropping the aid back to their countries, but there were also planes that lent their planes after dropping aid.

"At present, the presence of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs post in Balikpapan, Palu and Makassar clearly makes it easier for us to coordinate the distribution of aid to Palu. "Dynamics does exist, but we manage it well that good intentions from friendly countries can be realized well," said Fachir.

Meanwhile, the Deputy Foreign Minister continued, there was no form of goods yet. But if platched 22 billion, the European Union 1.5 million euros, Vietnam 100 thousand, Laos 100 thousand, Cambodia 200 thousand.

"The countries that have been realized sending aid are Korea, Japan, Switzerland, Singapore, China, Qatar, Turkey, India, Spain, Vietnam, Malaysia, Britain, New Zealand, Australia, Russia, Pakistan and Denmark," Fachir commented.

The Deputy Minister emphasized that his party had decided related to financial donations, some were directed to emergency response. It has been informed, after the emergency response there is a rehabilitation and reconstruction phase.

"At present, several ministries are prepared for rehabilitation and reconstruction. For the rehabilitation mechanism will be prepared. The form is still fixed, not all of it has been distributed. The determination is under the coordination of the Coordinating Minister for Politics and Security, "explained Fachir.

Indeed, the Deputy Foreign Minister acknowledged, there were in the form of dollars and euros, which are now recorded. Whereas for the aircraft there were 6 planes that were immediately returned, and there were 7 aircraft that were still operating to help transport.

So, continued the Deputy Minister, there were many relief materials in Makassar and Balikpapan to be distributed to Palu. The entire platch is 220 billion. For example, South Korea is still staying, Japan is still here, Switzerland is back, Singapore is staying, Qatar is back.

"There are Indians who stay back. Vietnam returns, Malaysia stays, UK returns, New Zealand stays. Indeed, from the beginning we communicate, this transportation tool is important for the goods and people we have prepared, "concluded Fachir.

In addition to Deputy Foreign Minister Abdurrahman Mohammad Fachir, present as speakers in the FMB '9 this time included Deputy Assistant of Environmental Social Responsibility of the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Indriani Widiastuti and Head of BNPB Data, Information and Public Relations Center Sutopo Purwo Nugroho.

FMB's activities can also be followed directly at, FMB9ID (Twitter), FMB9.ID (Instagram), FMB9.ID (Facebook), and FMB9ID (Youtube)

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