Banten Lebak Farmers Harvest 55,622 Tons of Dry Grain

By : Herry Barus And Aldo Bella Putra | Monday, October 08 2018 - 03:30 IWST

Panen Padi (Foto Dok
Panen Padi (Foto Dok - Lebak-Petani in Lebak Regency, Banten, during September 2018 harvests rice in an area of ​​9,347 hectares of paddy fields with a production of 55,622 tons of dried pungut (GKP) grain.

"We ask farmers who have harvested rice to re-implement the planting acceleration movement," said Head of the Lebak Regency Agriculture and Plantation Agency (Distanbun) Dede Supriatna in Lebak, Saturday (10/06/2018)

Farmers who harvest rice mostly in the southern part of Lebak include Malingping District, Wanasalam, Cihara, Panggarangan and Bayah.

Rice harvest can contribute to food security and increase farmers' income.

Moreover, currently the price of dry milled grain (MPD) on the market is quite high with an average of Rp.5,500 / kg.

"If farmers harvest rice with eight tons of production, then the income of farmers is above Rp40 million per hectare," he explained.

According to him, so far, the production of this year's harvest has contributed to national food because it is supplied outside the region.

Based on reports of rice harvest from January to September 2018 covering an area of ​​92,536 hectares with a production of 554,266 tons of GKP.

Rice production as much as that, if calculated rice to 260 thousand tons and a surplus of 14 months with a population of 1.2 million people.

The surplus food production is due to government intervention through the distribution of aid for production facilities, including superior seeds, fertilizers, pesticides and irrigation improvements.

In addition, assistance from agricultural equipment (alsintan) includes tractors and dryers, pumps to supply water supply needs.

"We hope farmers do not sell grain, but sell rice because it benefits farmers' economic income," he said. (Ant)

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