C. Java to Start COVID-19 Vaccination for Persons with Disabilities
By : Nata Kesuma | Monday, June 07 2021 - 16:15 IWST
Presidential Special Staffer Angkie Yudistia meets with Governor of Central Java Ganjar Pranowo, at the Governor’s office, Semarang, on Wednesday (2/6). (Photo by: Presidential Special Staffer Team)
INDUSTRY.co.id - Governor of Central Java Ganjar Pranowo on Wednesday (2/6) announced that the regional government of Central Java will start rolling out COVID-19 vaccines to persons with disabilities.
“We must give access to them (persons with disabilities). We have provided general access for disabled persons, yet access to vaccination is way more important. I told Angkie that vaccination for disabled and vulnerable persons is a national policy which will be speeded up,” Ganjar said in a meeting with Presidential Special Staffer Angkie Yudistia, at the Governor’s office, Semarang, on Wednesday (2/6).
The Governor went on to say that access to trainings must be provided to persons with disabilities so it will ensure their economic security and self-sufficiency.
“We should prioritize persons with disabilities for training programs. During the pandemic, we offer them several projects to improve their economy, for example projects of making face mask, face shield, and the like,” He said adding that he was wearing products of the disabled, namely transparent mask that made lip-reading possible to aid communication for people who have hearing problems.
In addition, the Governor has issued Regulation of Regional Government Number 1 of 2014 on the Fulfillment of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities which is under discussion to make it in line with the Central Government’s regulations.
He added that representatives of persons with disabilities, women, and children are always involved in discussions at the Regional Development Planning Forums (Musrenbang) so they can convey their needs and suggestions.
The regional development plan then will be drawn up by taken into account their rights. In the meantime, Presidential Special Staffer Angkie Yudistia expressed hope that programs adopted by the Central Government could reach all disabled persons throughout the country, including the COVID-19 vaccination program.
“This meeting is a form of synergy between the Central Government and regional government to ensure the implementation of several programs particularly the COVID-19 vaccination program can reach the disabled and vulnerable persons. For that reasons, we hope Central Java Government can realize the programs,” she said adding that the synergy must be enhanced so that the programs can be well-implemented both in central and regional governments.
For the record, Minster of Health has issued a Circular Number HK.02.01/MENKES/598/2021 on the Acceleration of COVID-19 Vaccination for Senior Citizens, Persons with Disabilities, as well as Teachers and Educators to all regional heads in Indonesia in order to provide healthcare services to the disabled. The vaccination is expected to improve their economy.
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