Minister of Communications and Informatics: Inter-Element Cooperation Is Very Important To Fight Negative Content in Social Media
By : Hariyanto And Aldo Bella Putra | Monday, August 28 2017 - 20:30 IWST
Menteri Komunikasi dan Informatika Republik Indonesia (Menkominfo) Rudiantara - Jakarta - Indonesia Technology Forum (ITF) once again held a national seminar. In this session, the ITF to discuss the theme of 'Charging Step Real Telecoms and OTT Facing Negative Impact of Social Media' by presenting resource persons such as AA MUI (Majelis Ulama Indonesia) KH Masduki Baidlowi, Commissioner ITRB (Indonesian Telecommunications Regulatory Agency) General Harsoyo, Group Head of Corporate Communication Indosat Ooreoodo Tbk Deva Rachman, and Public Policy Lead Twitter Indonesia, Agung Yudha.
The rise of a hoax (hoax) and harassment (bullying) in the era of social media has led to a split and the integrity of the nation. And if we look at the legal products that have been established namely the Law ITE (Information and Electronic Transactions) No. 19 of 2016 as an improvement of Law No.18 of 2008, clearly regulates how to use social media properly.
"Regulation clearly stipulates that social media content is contrary to the rules of the state and not in accordance with the culture of the nation," said Minister of Communications and Information Rudiantara seminar held in Indonesia Technology Forum (ITF) in Jakarta, Monday (28/08/2017).
According to Rudiantara, it is very important to cooperate between all elements of the nation to fight against negative content in social media. "The government, people in all segments, until the platform must move together," said Rudiantara.
He said the Ministry of Communications and Information handles this negative content from upstream to downstream. "Upper reaches is the appropriate information literacy mandate ITE Law no.19 in 2016. While on the downstream side is no hard approach approaches such as blocking websites and so on," said Rudiantara.
On the upstream side, said Rudiantara, it not only makes the system Trust + that now includes 800 thousand black list but also make a list of positive internet has now reached 250 thousand. "Hopefully in the next 2-3 years this positive list has exceeded the black list," said Rudi.
This positive list contains content that should be accessed by internet users in the country.
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