Vivo Attracts Active and Creative Students Through Vivo Campus Executive Officer Program
By : Hariyanto And Aldo Bella Putra | Friday, September 01 2017 - 15:00 IWST
Vivo Club LSPR Comm Festival - Jakarta - After officially introducing Vivo Club, Vivo Smartphone strengthens its community collaboration by attracting active and creative students from various universities through its newest program, Vivo Campus Executive Officer (CEO).
Brand Manager of PT Vivo Mobile Indonesia, Edy Kusuma explained Campus CEO is the latest Vivo Smartphone program to connect young active, dynamic and talented children from different campuses.
"Through this activity, we want to build a younger community that is stronger and able to become Vivo's representative in their every activity," Edy said through an official statement received by on Friday (1/9/2017).
Edy added, Vivo Smartphone realize the young generation of Indonesia always has a unique and innovative creative ideas and this event becomes a medium for their activities.
For the Campus Executive Officer program, Vivo Smartphone will choose 18-21 year old students with dynamic, creative and achievement personality. They must also have a love to share with other friends, whether it's sharing knowledge or creative ideas are poured through social media.
Students who are always active in all campus communities will, of course, gain added value in the assessment. The elected will have the opportunity to join Vivo Club's exciting projects, exclusive access to a series of Vivo Smartphone events, and get training, seminars, and workshops to improve their self-esteem.
The selection process for Vivo CEO will be opened at selected campuses in the Jakarta area from August 23 to September 22, 2017. Later, the program will be developed to reach more universities outside the region and involve more potential students.
This is not to see how far the interest of young people today and understand the activities of millennial generation Indonesia further.
Wanted CEO Program is not the first event initiated by Vivo Club since it was first officially launched in mid-2017. Several events have been conducted, such as participation in We The Fest 2017 and also supporting the annual Bina Nusantara Voice (B-Voice) and London School of Public Relations (LSPR) 2017.
All this is done Vivo Smartphone to involve more energizing young people in positive activities and of course grow together to become the most favorite Smartphone in Indonesia.
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